1 Reply Latest reply on May 23, 2016 12:54 PM by abhisheksit2004

    JavaScript in Markup Editor for Human Task


      Hello Experts,


      I am using jBPM 6.4.0 to develop one BPMN solution to one of our client.


      I have Markup Editor in human task for developing rich task forms.


      I am having a screen with 20 data fields in which there are 3 dropdowns, 2 radio buttons.


      I am initiating the jBPM process through APIs via Java application.



      In the human task forms, I need to select an value from dropdown/radio button which came as an input during process initiation.


      I am written one javascript method to populate the value in the dropdown/radio button but it is not working.

      In the sense, method is returning correct value but it is not getting selected in dropdown/radio button.


      Have tried many scenarios but seems to be working only if I use onclick event on <div> of that text field.

      I also tried to use onload function at <form> level inside html <body> but it doesn't work.


      Please suggest on how to load a dropdown/radio button with a selected value received as an input.

      Any sample code will be very useful.


