9 Replies Latest reply on Jun 24, 2016 2:42 PM by rareddy

    foreign keys in odata



      in a virtual table we've created a couple of foreign keys referring to the same field (the Primary Key)  of another virtual table:


      FK1: Table1.CurrentManager = Table2.EmployeeId

      FK2: Table1.PMResponsible = Table2.EmployeeId


      when we call http://prdteiid01:8080/odata/VDB.1/Entities.Table2(1234)

      we correctly get the values of the table and the references to the other tables but we cannot distinguish the two foreign keys for it seems they have the same url and name


      "Table1" : {

      "__deferred" : {

      "uri" : "http://prdteiid01:8080/odata/VDB.1/Entities.Table2(1234)/Table1"


      }, "Table1" : {

      "__deferred" : {

      "uri" : "http://prdteiid01:8080/odata/VDB.1/Entities.Table2(1234)/Table1"



      Is it possible to define them in order to have different urls ?


