1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 1, 2016 11:48 AM by mbabacek

    Load balancing with Mod_cluster and JBoss server will occur 503 error (loss the response) finally



      Mod_cluster: Version 1.2

      JBoss: eap 6.4



      System is adopted Mod_cluster to realize load balancing, I have configured everything by default following the handbook; While it will occur a large quantity of 503 error from the server.


      Additionally, the configuration of executor is bounded-queue-thread-pool, while size of core, queue and maximum are 60, 60, 500 respectively. I am not sure this is essential for my issue.


      Sorry I am a newbie, so please kindly tell me where I should go and what I should check for, in order to solve the problem.



      Thanks very much if anybody could give me some advice or inspiration.


      Qilei Ren

        • 1. Re: Load balancing with Mod_cluster and JBoss server will occur 503 error (loss the response) finally

          Dear Qilei,

          it is utterly impossible to help you without seeing your Apache HTTP Server error_log on LogLevel debug and your EAP server.log on at least INFO.   Apache HTTP Server log is more important though.

          Furthermore, could you post your Apache HTTP Server mod_cluster and mod_proxy (if any) related configuration?


          1.2.x is Deprecated

          mod_cluster 1.2.x is deprecated. If you find a bug, it will be fixed in master and 1.3.x branch.  We will do our best to help you with configuration on any version though.


