3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 2, 2001 3:19 AM by stollar

    CMR (EJB2.0)


      Hello, does anyone knows, when Container Manged Relations (CMR) from the EJB 2.0 specification will be supported?
      JBoss 2.2.2 does not and there is no entry about it in the change log for 2.4.

      I think this is a very important feature!

        • 1. Re: CMR (EJB2.0)

          That would certainly be no #1 on my Jboss wish list! For the time being you should be able to implement relationships yourself by invoking the related beans home and appropriate finder methods. I think you should also define EJB references in your ejb-jar.xml file although I do not know if this is simply for information purposes!

          • 2. Re: CMR (EJB2.0)

            And of course its important for the JBoss people to stay close enough to their state as a potentially "bea-killer" - weblogic has this feature already...

            • 3. Re: CMR (EJB2.0)

              But how much is Web Logic? :-)