Monitoring datasource connection pool on Wildfly9
rupalipawar Jun 14, 2016 3:16 AMI'm working on the project where I'm trying to get the runtime statistics of my datasource connection pool which I placed into /deployment folder using Wildfly-9.
I searched for it and I found the configuration file which exist inside /standalone folder named as standalone.xml file giving me the statistics of datasource connection poool by using below code :
<datasource jta="true" jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/DemoDS" pool-name="DemoDS" enabled="true" use-ccm="true" statistics-enabled="true">
<valid-connection-checker class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLValidConnectionChecker"/>
<exception-sorter class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mysql.MySQLExceptionSorter"/>
Hit this url I got this:
I get the following json string:
You get the following json string:
{"ActiveCount" : 4, "AvailableCount" : 48, "AverageBlockingTime" : 0, "AverageCreationTime" : 21, "AverageGetTime" : 17, "AveragePoolTime" : 195196, "AverageUsageTime" : 43, "BlockingFailureCount" : 0, "CreatedCount" : 4, "DestroyedCount" : 0, "IdleCount" : 2, "InUseCount" : 2, "MaxCreationTime" : 47, "MaxGetTime" : 47, "MaxPoolTime" : 386185, "MaxUsageTime" : 134, "MaxUsedCount" : 4, "MaxWaitCount" : 0, "MaxWaitTime" : 0, "TimedOut" : 0, "TotalBlockingTime" : 0, "TotalCreationTime" : 87, "TotalGetTime" : 88, "TotalPoolTime" : 780787, "TotalUsageTime" : 217, "WaitCount" : 0, "XACommitAverageTime" : 0, "XACommitCount" : 0, "XACommitMaxTime" : 0, "XACommitTotalTime" : 0, "XAEndAverageTime" : 0, "XAEndCount" : 0, "XAEndMaxTime" : 0, "XAEndTotalTime" : 0, "XAForgetAverageTime" : 0, "XAForgetCount" : 0, "XAForgetMaxTime" : 0, "XAForgetTotalTime" : 0, "XAPrepareAverageTime" : 0, "XAPrepareCount" : 0, "XAPrepareMaxTime" : 0, "XAPrepareTotalTime" : 0, "XARecoverAverageTime" : 0, "XARecoverCount" : 0, "XARecoverMaxTime" : 0, "XARecoverTotalTime" : 0, "XARollbackAverageTime" : 0, "XARollbackCount" : 0, "XARollbackMaxTime" : 0, "XARollbackTotalTime" : 0, "XAStartAverageTime" : 0, "XAStartCount" : 0, "XAStartMaxTime" : 0, "XAStartTotalTime" : 0, "statistics-enabled" : true}
Since I have many datasource file I cannot place into individual standalone.xml file.
So anyone knows how I will get the runtime statistics of my datasource connection pool which I placed into /deployment folder?