We currently have the following Scheduler set
<mbean code="org.jboss.varia.scheduler.Scheduler"
<attribute name="StartAtStartup">true</attribute>
<attribute name="SchedulableClass">xxx.server.xxxScheduler</attribute>
<attribute name="SchedulableArguments">xxx.server.Evaluation,60000</attribute>
<attribute name="SchedulableArgumentTypes">java.lang.String,int</attribute>
<attribute name="DateFormat">MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm</attribute>
<attribute name="InitialStartDate">02/25/2014 01:06</attribute>
<attribute name="SchedulePeriod">86400000</attribute>
<attribute name="InitialRepetitions">-1</attribute>
The scheduled task takes about 30 mins to complete. We are now finding that rather than staring at 01:06 each day, the start time advances each day by the length of time it take to carry out the task.
Day 1 - 01:06
Day 2 - 01:36
Day 3 - 02:06
Day 4 - 02:36
This carries on until a Jboss restart, then the cycle starts again at Day 1.
Any Thoughts on how to resolve this?