1. Re: Issues with JBoss fuse tooling
nickboldt Jun 28, 2016 11:15 AM (in response to tzachi.cohen)If you want Fuse Tooling for devstudio 8 (based on Eclipse Luna 4.4), it's available. Install devstudio 8 and then go into Central to find the connectors for Fuse. Or install from a zip:
Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.x - Integration Stack Updates
If you want something newer, however, then you have to use the Early Access stuff because it hasn't been completed for devstudio 9.x or 10 yet. 9.x-compatible (Eclipse Mars 4.5) Fuse tooling is in progress - currently the latest is 8.0.0.Beta2; when it's done, I expect the team will then start working on tooling that will run on devstudio 10.x (Eclipse Neon 4.6)
2. Re: Issues with JBoss fuse tooling
lhein Jun 28, 2016 1:28 PM (in response to tzachi.cohen)Nick is correct. There is not yet a released tooling for Mars or Neon.
See my answer at https://developer.jboss.org/message/959311