1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 10, 2016 4:37 PM by mythilisanthanam

    How to access data values from root  to child node (whole selected path) of rich:tree




      I am working with richfaces 4.2.1 final.

      I am using rich:tree with nested <rich:treeModelAdaptor>. As, var attribute is common for all nested levels, Can you please suggest me how to access the corresponding parent node value when a child node got selected. I need to retrieve the all node objects of the selected path from root to the selected child.


      My code is pasted below. Please suggest me.



      <rich:tree binding="#{aa.tree}" id="searchTree1" var="node" toggleType="client"

                                                          selectionType="ajax" selectionChangeListener="#{aa.onSelection}">

                                                          <rich:treeModelAdaptor   nodes="#{adverseEvent.productList}"

                                                               leaf="false" >

                                                              <rich:treeNode id="#{aa.counter()}"  binding="#{aa.node}" expanded="#{true}">







                                                              <rich:treeModelAdaptor nodes="#{node.productExposureList}"


                                                                  <rich:treeNode expanded="#{true}">


                                         <a4j:commandButton id="add" value="edit"  action="#{aa.methoda(node1)}" />



                                                                      nodes="#{node.productExposureDoseList}" leaf="false">

                                                                      <rich:treeNode  value="#{aa.dose1}" expanded="#{true}">

                        #{node.name}   hh    #{node1.name}                       <a4j:commandButton id="add" value="edit"  action="#{aa.methoda(node1.name)}" />



                                                                          nodes="#{node.intervalDetailsList}" leaf="true">

                                                                          <rich:treeNode  value="#{aa.interval1}" expanded="#{true}">

      intervallllllllllll     #{node.intervalUnits}






