3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2016 9:09 PM by rafaelcba

    How can I import xPaaS templates on CDK 2.1


      I would like to import others xPaaS templates/S2I on my local CDKv 2.1.


      In a fresh CDK box I can only see:


      $ oc get templates -n openshift
      NAME                                 DESCRIPTION                                                                        PARAMETERS      OBJECTS
      cakephp-example                      An example CakePHP application with no database                                    15 (8 blank)    5
      cakephp-mysql-example                An example CakePHP application with a MySQL database                               16 (3 blank)    7
      eap64-basic-s2i                      Application template for EAP 6 applications built using S2I.                       12 (3 blank)    5
      eap64-mysql-persistent-s2i           Application template for EAP 6 MySQL applications with persistent storage bui...   34 (16 blank)   10
      jws30-tomcat7-mysql-persistent-s2i   Application template for JWS MySQL applications with persistent storage built...   28 (11 blank)   10
      nodejs-example                       An example Node.js application with no database                                    12 (8 blank)    5
      nodejs-mongodb-example               An example Node.js application with a MongoDB database                             13 (3 blank)    7


      How can I load other Openshift templates (eg EAP 7)?


      Kind regards.