1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 14, 2016 9:07 AM by ctomc

    Will web services created by using RestEasy be displayed as web services in Jboss AS 7 management console



      I am new to the Jboss AS 7 and RestEasy web services.

      I created a simple RestEasy web service in a web project(as a module of an EAR project), the service worked fine after I deployed the EAR project in Jboss AS 7(EAP 6.4).  But when I logged in the management console, under the deployed tab, I can see the war file for the web project is part of the ear, and it displayed as web, instead of web and web service. Under run time/Web Service tab, I do not see RestEasy web service listed as web service, but other web services such as SOAP service, Restful service using jersey were listed.

      I just want to check if this is by design(the RestEasy should not have a wadl, etc), or did I miss something in my RestEasy services.


      Thanks for you help.

