1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 19, 2016 9:40 AM by mnovak

    HornetQ :: Timed out waiting to receive initial broadcast from cluster


      I have 2 VMs, each having its own JBoss running.


      I am trying to send a notification message to the nodes individually but am getting the follown ERROR back.

      2016-07-18 18:25:45.248 [ ERROR ] [ com.ericsson.cac.iam.notification.consumer.endpoint.NotificationProcessorIAMEventsImpl ] [78]- 1efbae8f915600c235d50 - Sending notification to IAMEvents Queue Failed for Notification : Notification [applicationName=Provisioning, api=CreateIAMProfile, eventName=SecurityQuestionsCreated, eventTimestamp=2016-07-19T01:25:44Z, clientId=A-cIRplpqSOr_, transactionId=1efbae8f915600c235d50SQCR, userNotificationContext=null, language=en, userId=U-52c1166c-7d40-4a93-8c1b-8c37dfef5a0f, messages={securityQuestionAnswer4=, securityQuestionAnswer5=, securityQuestionAnswer6=, securityQuestionAnswer7=, SecurityQuestionsCreatedIamEventVO=com.ericsson.adapter.SecurityQuestionsCreatedGroovyAdapter$1@4acad8fa, totalSuccessLoginCount=0, creationTimestamp=2016-07-18T18:25:44Z, securityQuestionAnswer1=, securityQuestionAnswer2=, securityQuestionAnswer3=, tempPasswordExpiryTime=2016-10-16T18:25:43Z, tempPassword=}] With error org.springframework.jms.UncategorizedJmsException: Uncategorized exception occured during JMS processing; nested exception is javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to create session factory; nested exception is HornetQException[errorCode=3 message=Timed out waiting to receive initial broadcast from cluster]

      I have attached both stanalone.xml files.

      VM1 has live1 and backup2

      VM2 has live2 and backup1

      Both have the same discovery group, broadcast group and cluster settings.

      I currently have no idea why the ERROR is occuring. any ideas ?