2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 27, 2016 1:15 PM by platzda

    use standalone forge from eclipse?


      i would like to use the standalone forge installation from within eclipse so i dont have to install plugins twice etc. is it possible to do so from within eclipse? I see no configruation.




        • 1. Re: use standalone forge from eclipse?

          Hi Daniel,


          The only way to have Forge integrated in Eclipse is by installing the plugin. The plugins (addons) are installed in your ~/.forge/addons directory and it will be loaded by any Forge installation regardless of the IDE chosen.

          At last but not least the plugins are updated everytime a new Forge release is out, so you can use your IDE update feature seamlessly.


          Best Regards,


          George Gastaldi

          • 2. Re: use standalone forge from eclipse?

            Hi George,

            Thanks! i guess i assume a problem where there is non :-)

