7 Replies Latest reply on Aug 5, 2016 3:53 AM by mjobanek

    A new name and API for MavenImporter


      Hi all,


      after some time, I'm reopening the issue related to renaming of MavenImporter class. There where some discussions around that on Jira [1], GitHub [2] and on Andrew's Twitter [3]. However, there was no agreement on the name. Additionally, I think that subsequently the whole API should change as well and that hasn't been solved either.


      First of all I'd like to ask you:

      Does anyone use this feature (MavenImporter) or is interested in it? I want to find out whether the effort of renaming/refactoring and maybe some additional implementation would be worth it...



      My proposals:

      Having considered all the suggestions and approaches I'm proposing three options (the first one is my favorite :-)):



       ShrinkWrap.create(ArchiveMavenAssembler.class, "archive.war")


              .produce(WebArchive.class, "archive.war");    



      ShrinkWrap.create(ArchiveUsingMaven.class, "archive.war")



      Do you like it or do you hate it? Please tell me what you think...


      I guess that EmbeddedGradleImporter should be renamed as well. Too keep the names consistent I would choose ArchiveGradleAssembler (ArchiveUsingGradle). The API could be the same as it is now except for methods "importBuildOutput" - they would be renamed analogically.


      The current implementation (API) will be kept till next major release and marked as "@Depracated".


      [1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKRES-132

      [2] https://github.com/shrinkwrap/resolver/pull/49

      [3] https://twitter.com/ALRubinger/status/360141924742606848



      Thank you


        • 1. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

          I like option 2. the best Matous!



          • 2. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

            Hey Matous,


            I like the option 1 as well since it is consistent with other Archives.


            I like ArchiveMavenAssembler

            • 3. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

              Thank you guys
              What is your opinion aslak alrubinger mmatloka bmajsak tair.sabirgaliev

              • 4. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

                Hi Matous,


                I also like the 1st variant, except the place where the archive name is specified. The 2nd option puts archive name right after archive type, this is more convenient, IMO.

                • 5. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

                  Thanks tair.sabirgaliev for your comment.

                  Yes, the place where the archive name is specified is not the best, but this is a functionality of the method ShrinkWrap.create(Class<T> type, String archiveName) and this cannot be changed. The idea that I have in the 2nd variant is that you can specify the name on both places (create() and produce()) - if you specified it on both places at the same time the produce() method would have a priority (it would overwrite the name specified in create()). Of course, this could be confusing so elaborated javadoc is necessary.

                  • 6. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

                    I think the first option is the most appealing for me, with two tweaks:


                    1) I would remove File suffixes - usingPom(String pathToPomFile) is enough from the API standpoint (the same applies to settings.xml)

                    2) I would move archive name ShrinkWrap.create(ArchiveMavenAssembler.class).....as(WebArchive.class, "archive.war")


                    For the second point - we don't give a name to ArchiveMavenAssembler, like in other cases when we use ShrinkWrap.create, so I would say it's better to "break the rule", rather than having confusing API.

                    • 7. Re: A new name and API for MavenImporter

                      Good points!

                      So, the resulting API would be:


                                .as(WebArchive.class, "archive.war");


                      Yeah, this seems to be more logic and clear.
