“You received without payment; give without payment” (Matt. 10:8).
I will reply to myself describing the steps needed to integrate JBPM with Sybase :
1- extend the SybaseDialect like the below:
import java.sql.Types;
import org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE157Dialect;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.LongVarbinaryTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.LongVarcharTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.SqlTypeDescriptor;
public class MySybaseDialect extends SybaseASE157Dialect
protected SqlTypeDescriptor getSqlTypeDescriptorOverride(int sqlCode)
switch (sqlCode)
case Types.CLOB:
return LongVarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
case Types.BLOB:
return LongVarbinaryTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
return super.getSqlTypeDescriptorOverride(sqlCode);
public String getForUpdateString()
return " ";
public int getMaxAliasLength()
return 20;
2- adjust table names in DashbuilderBootstrap to be case sensitive like below, this class should be replaced under
jbpm-console.war\WEB-INF\classes\org\kie\workbench\backend\DashbuilderBootstrap.class :
public class DashbuilderBootstrap {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DashbuilderBootstrap.class);
private String jbpmDatasource = System.getProperty("org.kie.ds.jndi", "java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS");
public static final String HUMAN_TASKS_DATASET = "jbpmHumanTasks";
public static final String HUMAN_TASKS_TABLE = "AuditTaskImpl";
public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_DATASET = "jbpmProcessInstances";
public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_TABLE = "ProcessInstanceLog";
public static final String HUMAN_TASKS_WITH_USER_DATASET = "jbpmHumanTasksWithUser";
public static final String HUMAN_TASKS_WITH_ADMIN_DATASET = "jbpmHumanTasksWithAdmin";
public static final String REQUEST_LIST_DATASET = "jbpmRequestList";
public static final String REQUEST_LIST_TABLE = "RequestInfo";
public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_WITH_VARIABLES_DATASET = "jbpmProcessInstancesWithVariables";
public static final String TASKS_MONITORING_DATASET = "tasksMonitoring";
public static final String PROCESSES_MONITORING_DATASET = "processesMonitoring";
protected DataSetDefRegistry dataSetDefRegistry;
protected void init() {
// figure out data source JNDI name
protected void registerDataSetDefinitions() {
DataSetDef humanTasksDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Human tasks")
.dbTable(HUMAN_TASKS_TABLE, false)
DataSetDef processInstancesDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Process Instances")
DataSetDef humanTasksWithUserDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Human tasks and users")
.dbSQL("select t.activationTime, t.actualOwner, t.createdBy, "
+ "t.createdOn, t.deploymentId, t.description, t.dueDate, "
+ "t.name, t.parentId, t.priority, t.processId, t.processInstanceId, "
+ "t.processSessionId, t.status, t.taskId, t.workItemId, oe.id oeid "
+ "from AuditTaskImpl t, "
+ "PeopleAssignments_PotOwners po, "
+ "OrganizationalEntity oe "
+ "where t.id = po.task_id and po.entity_id = oe.id", false)
.label(DataSetTasksListGridViewImpl.COLUMN_TASKID) //declaring as label(even though it's numeric) because needs apply groupby and Group by number not supported
DataSetDef humanTaskWithAdminDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Human tasks and admins")
.dbSQL("select t.activationTime, t.actualOwner, t.createdBy, "
+ "t.createdOn, t.deploymentId, t.description, t.dueDate, "
+ "t.name, t.parentId, t.priority, t.processId, t.processInstanceId, "
+ "t.processSessionId, t.status, t.taskId, t.workItemId, oe.id oeid "
+ "from AuditTaskImpl t, "
+ "PeopleAssignments_BAs bas, "
+ "OrganizationalEntity oe "
+ "where t.id = bas.task_id and bas.entity_id = oe.id", false)
.label(DataSetTasksListGridViewImpl.COLUMN_TASKID) //declaring as label(even though it's numeric) because needs apply groupby and Group by number not supported
DataSetDef requestListDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Request List")
.dbTable(REQUEST_LIST_TABLE, false)
.number( RequestListViewImpl.COLUMN_ID )
DataSetDef processWithVariablesDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Variable for Evalution Process Instances")
.dbSQL("select pil.processInstanceId pid,\n" +
" pil.processId pname,\n" +
" v.id varid,\n" +
" v.variableId varname,\n" +
" v.value varvalue\n" +
"from ProcessInstanceLog pil\n" +
" inner join (select vil.processInstanceId ,vil.variableId, MAX(vil.id) maxvilid FROM VariableInstanceLog vil\n" +
" GROUP BY vil.processInstanceId, vil.variableId) x\n" +
" on (x.processInstanceId =pil.processInstanceId)\n" +
" INNER JOIN VariableInstanceLog v\n" +
" ON (v.variableId = x.variableId AND v.id = x.maxvilid )", false)
DataSetDef processMonitoringDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Processes monitoring")
DataSetDef taskMonitoringDef = DataSetFactory.newSQLDataSetDef()
.name("Tasks monitoring")
.dbSQL("select p.processname, t.* " +
"from processinstancelog p inner join bamtasksummary t " +
"on (t.processinstanceid = p.processinstanceid)", true)
// Hide all these internal data set from end user view
// Register the data set definitions
protected void findDataSourceJNDI() {
try {
XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("META-INF/persistence.xml"));
while (reader.hasNext()) {
int event = reader.next();
switch (event) {
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
if ("jta-data-source".equals(reader.getLocalName())) {
jbpmDatasource = reader.getElementText();
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
logger.warn("Unable to find out JNDI name fo data source to be used for data sets due to {} using default {}", e);
3- Patch the class DataSetLookupServicesImpl to fix the problem of VARCHAR to INT conversion in process instance grid like the below:
public class DataSetLookupServicesImpl implements DataSetLookupServices {
protected Logger log;
protected ExceptionManager exceptionManager;
protected BackendDataSetManager dataSetManager;
protected BackendUUIDGenerator backendUUIDGenerator;
protected DataSetDefDeployer dataSetDefDeployer;
protected void init() {
// By default, enable the register of data set definitions stored into the deployment folder.
ServletContext servletContext = RpcContext.getHttpSession().getServletContext();
if (!dataSetDefDeployer.isRunning() && servletContext != null) {
String dir = servletContext.getRealPath("WEB-INF/datasets");
if (dir != null && new File(dir).exists()) {
dir = dir.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
public DataSet lookupDataSet(DataSetLookup lookup) throws Exception {
DataSet _d = null;
try {
String lookUpUUID = lookup.getDataSetUUID();
List<DataSetFilter> filterList = lookup.getOperationList(DataSetFilter.class);
if(filterList != null && !filterList.isEmpty())
for(DataSetFilter filter : filterList)
List<ColumnFilter> colFilterList = filter.getColumnFilterList();
if(colFilterList != null && !colFilterList.isEmpty())
for(ColumnFilter colFil : colFilterList)
String columnId = colFil.getColumnId();
if("status".equals(columnId) && colFil instanceof CoreFunctionFilter)
CoreFunctionFilter coreFuncFil = (CoreFunctionFilter) colFil;
List paramList = coreFuncFil.getParameters();
List paramListNew = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(paramList != null && !paramList.isEmpty())
for(Object paramObject : paramList)
if(paramObject instanceof String)
_d = dataSetManager.lookupDataSet(lookup);
} catch (DataSetLookupException e) {
throw exceptionManager.handleException(e);
return _d;
public DataSet lookupDataSet(DataSetDef def, DataSetLookup lookup) throws Exception {
try {
// Although if using a not registered definition, it must have an uuid set for performing lookups.
if (def.getUUID() == null) {
final String uuid = backendUUIDGenerator.newUuid();
return dataSetManager.resolveProvider(def)
.lookupDataSet(def, lookup);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw exceptionManager.handleException(e);
public DataSetMetadata lookupDataSetMetadata(String uuid) throws Exception {
DataSetMetadata _d = null;
try {
_d = dataSetManager.getDataSetMetadata(uuid);
} catch (DataSetLookupException e) {
throw exceptionManager.handleException(e);
return _d;