0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 22, 2016 5:10 PM by tspratt

    Deploying client-side SPA files on change by external process


      I'm on the company UI team, with interests in angular2, react and es6 and so forth and not so much interested in webservers, war files and ejbs and such like.


      But the back-end services are Java so I have to be able build and run our project in a local development environment consisting of Eclipse (Mars.2) running JBoss EAP-6.4.0.


      Currently, getting this environment to serve me my most recent files is a chore. 

      • I do not use eclipse as my IDE, and to have the server recognize external html file changes, I have to have the html file open in eclipse and "touch" it or sometimes even save it explicitly.
      • Our css and javascript code is precompiled in to bundles using Webpack. Currently, to see those changes in my local web browser, I must refresh the Eclipse project, then restart the JBoss server.


      I would really like some of this to be more automatic.


      I did update my standalone.xml file with the auto-deploy-exploded="true" attribute, but that did not seem to do the trick.  I am working with externally modified static files, not "expanded" files.


      I theorized that I could add an "unmanaged" deployment path, via jboss admin console, pointing to our "dist" folder, which contains the javascript bundles. However, I failed to get something right because now I get regular errors about not finding the path.  And worse, I cannot figure out how to undo that.  The defective deployment does not show up in the console, and I can't find any change in standalone.xml to undo.


      JBoss is a complex, robust, flexible environment, but I need a little help with my little tiny part!


      Thanks in advance!