2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 23, 2016 11:31 AM by fr17993

    Simple load balancing  with mod_jk in standalone mode


      Hello everybody,


      I am trying to do load balancing using mod_jk (ajp13) in standalone mode (not ha or full-ha).

      I have one httpd and two Wildfly 10.1.

      I added the ajp listener in undertow subsystem and I also added the instance-id parameter like this:


      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:3.1" instance-id="node1">

                  <buffer-cache name="default"/>

                  <server name="default-server">

                    <ajp-listener name="ajp" socket-binding="ajp"/>


      The value of the instance-id parameter is never concatenated to my jsessionId (so httpd can not retrieve the good node to the second request ).

      For you information, if I start my Wildfly with standalone-ha.xml file it works (of course, I also added instance-id parameter in standalone-ha.xml file).

      If I contact directly my webapp on the http port the instance-id is not no more concatenated to the jsessionId...


      How I can do load balancing between my httpd and my both Wildfly in standalone mode ?

