2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 27, 2016 4:30 PM by nmay

    How to generate eap7 project ? Is there options to set bom import  to jboss-eap-javaee7 for the new project ?


      Hi ,

      I'm  trying to find a way to create ejb project for eap7 . so I would like to have  pom with dependencyManagement import bom for jboss-eap-javaee7.

      Is there any options for it ?


      so at the moment I create project with commands :


      project-new --type jar --named nm
      jpa-setup --provider Hibernate --container JBOSS_EAP7;


      in the pom I see that it use javaee-6 bom.




      is there an option to achieve import bom with jee 7 spec, so it would be looking like this:

