4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 7, 2016 5:12 AM by dhladky

    [jbug-ba] Problema con instalación de CDK


      Al intentar instalar RH development suite en Windows 10 no reconoce las credenciales.

      En la siguiente URL se trata el mismo bug : https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RHDENG-579


        • 1. Re: [jbug-ba] Problema con instalación de CDK

          There are two accounts with user name srabiales. One is in developers.redhat.com domain and one on jboss.org domain. Download Manager, that serves as a background service for the download tries to verify both. What credentials do you use - the jboss.org ones or developers.redhat.com ones?


          I tried to parse logs for developers.redhat.com and I only found web attemtps to login. The event log does not cover all cases though.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: [jbug-ba] Problema con instalación de CDK

            Hi, David.

            I try to login using srabiales (developers.redhat.com). When i login with another user, for example : diego.gutierrez, the error is the same.

            • 3. Re: [jbug-ba] Problema con instalación de CDK

              Hola David,

              El problema lo resolví instalándolo en otra Pc y funciono. Evidentemente era un problema de acceso.

              Ahora , cuando intento acceder al cliente :


              C:\DevelopmentSuite\cdk\components\rhel\rhel-ose>vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

              Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...

              ==> default: Resuming suspended VM...

              ==> default: Booting VM...

              ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...

                  default: SSH address:

                  default: SSH username: vagrant

                  default: SSH auth method: private key

              ==> default: Machine booted and ready!

              ==> default: Registering box with vagrant-registration...

                  default: Would you like to register the system now (default: yes)? [y|n]yes

              ==> default: Docker service configured successfully...

              ==> default: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`

              ==> default: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.

              ==> default: Running provisioner: shell...

                  default: Running: inline script

              ==> default: Running provisioner: shell...

                  default: Running: inline script

              ==> default:

              ==> default: Successfully started and provisioned VM with 2 cores and 3072 MB of memory.

              ==> default: To modify the number of cores and/or available memory set the environment variables

              ==> default: VM_CPU respectively VM_MEMORY.

              ==> default: You can now access the OpenShift console on:

              ==> default:

              ==> default: To use OpenShift CLI, run:

              ==> default: $ vagrant ssh

              ==> default: $ oc login

              ==> default:

              ==> default: Configured users are (<username>/<password>):

              ==> default: openshift-dev/devel

              ==> default: admin/admin

              ==> default: If you have the oc client library on your host, you can also login from your host.



              C:\DevelopmentSuite\cdk\components\rhel\rhel-ose>vagrant ssh

              Last login: Tue Oct  4 16:52:45 2016 from

              [vagrant@rhel-cdk ~]$ oc login

              Authentication required for (openshift)

              Username: admin


              Login successful.



              You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':



                * default

                * helloworld (current)

                * openshift

                * openshift-infra

                * sample-project



              Using project "helloworld".

              [vagrant@rhel-cdk ~]$

              Cuando intento acceder a




              Muchas gracias.

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: [jbug-ba] Problema con instalación de CDK

                To be sure the problem is where I am trying to find it. Can you, please, try to download  https://developers.redhat.com/download-manager/content/origin/files/sha256/9c/9cfc3f161a7e801a500699ef5d7b46b33b9183aa09… using your developers.redhat.com user credentials in your web browser? If that works for you, you would know the user credentials you use are valid and the problem is somewhere in Vagrant settings or possibly elsewhere on the way. If the download fails we know the problem is server side so I may be able to do something abut it.


                Thank you.