3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 5, 2018 7:30 AM by ajoshisug

    Desperately need HELP with Wildfly Security Manager



      I am trying to migrate from JBoss 7.1.1 to WildFly and I am BLOCKED in migrating the application security using the new requirements of the manager. The last version of Wildfly I have tried is 10.1. Here is my problem

      I am not able to migrate "variable" Java file permissions such as :

      permission java.io.FilePermission "${java.io.tmpdir}","read";

      permission java.io.FilePermission "${jboss.home.dir}${/}bin${/}javamelody${/}-","read,write,delete";

      permission java.io.FilePermission "${coswin.home.dir}${/}log${/}-","read,write,delete";

      from the ancient policy file format to permissions.xml format!!! We cannot run the application without security therefore we cannot migrate to WildFly (the application has been previously successfully migrated to JBoss 4, 5, 6 and 7 during the last 10-12 years).


      I have tried to use environment variables, Java properties, and relative paths. Nothing works. I could not find any information about.

      Does anybody know if this is supported? Documented somewhere?

      Does anybody take a look to such issues? It’s been a month since I have asked for some help on this (see https://developer.jboss.org/thread/272371) and I could find somehow similar issues non answered. What is happening?

