1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 18, 2016 12:59 AM by pjhavariotis

    How to generate heap dumps using jre 1.8 or from JBoss admin console or using jboss cli in JBoss EAP 6.4.7


      we used to use jdk 1.7 on our jBoss app servers and we used jmap and jstack to generate heap dumps and thread dumps, since we moved from JDK to JRE and  we are not able to use jmap and jstack, since there is no jstack/jmap with jre



      How can we generate heap dumps in JBoss EAP 6.4.7 GA using JRE while the JVM being up and running..?

      Is there any way to generate heap dumps from JBoss admin console which doesn't require jconsole to do it ..?

      And is there any way to generate heap dumps from Jboss-cli ..?