1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 25, 2016 6:23 AM by ctomc

    Help with native management api


      I feel incredibly stupid about this, but I could really use some help with the native management API.  I'm trying to add a security realm, which I can do, but I can't set the authorization.  I've tried a number of things, and I can't get any of them to work.


      This is what I want to add to standalone.xml

                  <security-realm name="realm">


                          <jaas name="domain"/>




      The following code will give me that without the <authentication> bit


      ModelControllerClient client = createClient();


      ModelNode op = new ModelNode();



      ModelNode address = op.get("address");

      address.add("core-service", "management");

      address.add("security-realm", "realm");





      But I need to add in the <authentication> section and can't for the life of me figure out how to do it.  I've tried this and a number of other things but they all fail.  The example below gives the following error:


      "JBAS014883: No resource definition is registered for address [\n    (\"core-service\" => \"management\"),\n    (\"security-realm\" => \"realm\"),\n    (\"jaas\" => \"domain\")\n]",


      ModelControllerClient client = createClient();



      ModelNode op = new ModelNode();



      ModelNode address = op.get("address");

      address.add("core-service", "management");

      address.add("security-realm", "realm");


      address.add("jaas", "domain");





      I'm having a hard time finding example online of how this works, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Help with native management api

          something along this lines should work

          ModelNode op = new ModelNode();


          ModelNode address = op.get("address");

          address.add("core-service", "management");

          address.add("security-realm", "realm");

          address.add("authentication", "jaas");



          or CLI command  /core-service=management/security-realm=ManagementRealm/authentication=jaas:add(name=domain)