2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 30, 2016 5:59 AM by jmesnil

    Where can I find the source & tag used to build artemis-jms-client-1.1.0.wildfly-017.jar ?


      Hi all,


      Because I needed to debug some jms issues , I wanted to find the exact source used for the ActiveMQ componnents that ship with wildfly 10.1


      For most jar's nowadays, the  manifest has this information. The active mq jar's don't have such info, however.


      I assumed based on the "artemis-jms-client-1.1.0" in the jar name , I could use the "1.1.0" tag from the  https://github.com/apache/activemq-artemis


      However, the code doesn't quite match up




      where can i find the git repo and tag used to build which ships w/ wildfly?


      thanks in advance.