4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2017 7:13 AM by masummymesingh

    jboss wildfy Application monitor



      Zorka Monitoring Agent - HTTP monitoring


      Standard MBeans (The Java™ Tutorials > Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Introducing MBeans)



      Which item need to monitor for application ?



                                      Find the root causes of response times


      Memory :  Analyze Object , objects consuming heap memory, leaks

      Thread  : code consuming CPU resource, code causing deadlock

      CPU       : Analyzing call tree , time, caller /callee time

      MBean   : get /set info about Mbean , runtime configuration change


      HTTSESSION       : Number of user sessions

      JDBC  connections    : connnection

      HTTP Request        : Statistics of request , current request , HTTP errors , no file open

                                       byte send , byte receive    

      SQL Request         : sql long request , detials of sql , sql statistics

      GC                         :

      Transaction           :

      Quartz job            : scheduler

      Process details     :


      jps     --- native os process

      jstat   ---- Gc

      jstack --- thread

      jmap   --- memory object leak-- ArrayList

      jhat  --  binary heap dump file