1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 24, 2017 10:49 PM by pferraro

    Clustering with WildFly 10 - How to check?


      I followed the instructions on Clustering JBoss AS 7 except that I used WildFly 10 on a Windows 10 machine.


      I created two nodes and started Apache with the cluster modules.


      Then made a simple app with one JSP and one Servelet, both of them simply display  "Node 1". Exported it to WAR. Changed the source to say "Node 2" and made another WAR. Deployed one WAR each to the two nodes.


      Now, when I open the URL from Apache's port, it always shows "Node 1" unless I shut down that node, then it shows "Node 2".


      Is a cluster not a load balancer? Opening the page from four different PC's, I expected that half the requests would go to Node 2 but it seems that it is acting as a failover only.

        • 1. Re: Clustering with WildFly 10 - How to check?

          Hussain Akbar wrote:


          I created two nodes and started Apache with the cluster modules.

          Can you be more specific?  What are "the cluster modules"?  If you want Apache to load balance requests, you need to explicitly install and configure load balancing modules, e.g. mod_cluster, mod_jk, mod_proxy + mod_proxy_balancer.