1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 22, 2017 9:36 PM by dohers2

    Quickstart jboss-cli script - "Configure JBoss to use SSL" failing


      I'm working my way through the picketlink quick starts (picketlink-angularjs-rest to begin with).


      I'm definitely reaching out of my comfort zone with this stuff, so hopefully not a lame user-error issue here....


      When I following the steps:


      Configure the HTTPS Connector in the Web Subsystem by Running the JBoss CLI Script (JBoss Enterprise Application Platform)

      I get this error:

      $ /cygdrive/c/EAP-6.4.0/bin/jboss-cli.bat --connect --file=configure-https.cli
      Can't reset to root in the middle of the path @1
      Press any key to continue . . .


      Any ideas why this would be?

        • 1. Re: Quickstart jboss-cli script - "Configure JBoss to use SSL" failing

          So, after some reading on the jboss-cli I think I spotted the issue, but not confident enough to question the source in git yet.  In looking at the "configure-https.cli" file I noticed the 2 main command lines have a double forward slash "//"... which didn't seem to make sense with some of the command format examples I had seen.  After removing one of the forward slashes on each line the command will complete.


          ALSO seems I was calling the windows jboss-cli.bat command from cygwin shell... which was acting flakey for me in interactive mode.  When I started the shell from a built-in Window CMD window I could make things work (testing commands, calling "help", etc.).

          Am I missing something with the prefix slashes?