0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 30, 2017 8:25 PM by nagarajubommarapu

    Read a JSON document in a fabric profile


      I have a requirement where I need to read the json file from the fabric profile in my jboss container.

      This I am doing in a camel-context in a osgi bundle. I need to access the json spec file, so that it will be the input for my camel jolt component in the container.

      I am trying to do this so that I can modify the json spec in the profile from hawbtio at runtime.


      I tried with various options but not able to read it and getting java.io.FileNotFoundException. Tried with url profile:, etc. Refer below snippet from my camel context in the container


      <cb:to uri="jolt:profile:oce-rt/ocePayloadSpec.json?inputType=JsonString&amp;outputType=JsonString" />



      Is there any way, so that I can get the exact path of the json resource in the profile, which is assigned to the container. So, that i can use this path for reading in my container.