1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 27, 2017 8:24 AM by asoldano

    Missing charset log message with RESTeasy 3.1


      I've just updated RESTeasy to 3.1.0 in WildFly 10.1, and all is working great, but now my JAX-RS applications flood logs with this message:

      RESTEASY002141: MediaType text/plain on getList() lacks charset. Consider setting charset or turning on context parameter resteasy.add.charset

      This is the definition of getList():

      @GET @MediaType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List getList() {    // ... }

      I tried to add this to web.xml, as suggested, but nothing changes:





      Is this a bug? Is there a way to set a default charset, without using a filter.


      P.S. Is there any specific forum/gitter to discuss RESTeasy related topics?