1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 15, 2017 8:36 AM by andey

    EAP 6.4 - way to see the date/time an application was deployed via the web console?


      Running EAP 6.4 in standalone mode, using the web console to deploy applications instead of the deployment folder.  Is there a way to see the last date/time an application was deployed, or at least the date/time stamp on the .ear/.war file? 

      The closest thing I could find in the RH Knowledgebase was this entry:  How to recover the war/ear files deployed in JBoss EAP 6? - Red Hat Customer Portal , but the content in the {JBOSS_HOME}/standalone/data/content/xxx directory doesn't correlate easily the .ear/.war files we have deployed.




        • 1. Re: EAP 6.4 - way to see the date/time an application was deployed via the web console?

          You can possibly use JMX. I don't have a running site right now, but it looks like MainDeployer(with a JMX name of jboss.system:service=MainDeployer) has a method called getDeployment(URL deployURL) and returns a DeploymentInfo object. DeploymentInfo has information about when the deployment was done last in addition to a lot of other properties. Look up the source or the API for more on DeploymentInfo