1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 23, 2017 3:14 PM by ngs_mtech

    jBPM Forms load very slowly in Custom User Interface


      Hi everyone,


      We have a Custom User Interface that uses jBPM 6.3 forms. We experience very long task form load times (it can take up to 30 seconds). This long time loading happens on local machine or on remote VMs (on remote VMs form load times are slightly longer).


      Please see a short video that illustrates the problem.




      Does anyone have the same experience and found a solution?


      Here below are some additional technical details.


      Our custom user interface runs on the same domain as workbench so there is no cross domain issue. For example:





      We get the form URL from jBPM via a REST call and we load the task form in an iframe. This is described here:







        • 1. Re: jBPM Forms load very slowly in Custom User Interface

          Hi Dan.


          The reason for this long times is that the received URL is a compact view of the full kie workbench (EmbeddedFormDisplayView). This view is loading the full errai framework and lots of things.



          We have the same problem and have reduced a little the time erasing the contents of the plugins folder inside war content, but it is still tooooo slow.



          We are still investigating other ways to improve this poor load time.

          The simples way could be reusing this embeded view across multiple usages, but it requires changed inside GWT stuff we are not thinking on them, yet.
