I have a jboss 7 eap u4 in domain mode configuration on linux environment. I try to configure two server (name: REST-server-1 , REST-server-2) in cluster in load balancing with a server (name:bl-server) like front end for balancing the instances with profile default and standard-sockets.
The server REST-server-1 and bl-server are in the same host controller host-1.
The server REST-server-2 is in the in different box with different ip in host controller host-2.
From CLI I executed the following steps for configuration for load balancing:
/socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=modcluster:add(multicast-port=23364, multicast-address=
/profile=default/subsystem=undertow/configuration=filter/mod-cluster=modcluster:add(management-socket-binding=http,advertise-socket-binding=modcluster, security-key=) /profile=default/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/host=default-host/filter-ref=modcluster:add
When I check the url http://<ip host-1>:<port bl_server>:/balancing_test, I have the balancing only on REST-server-1, if REST-server-1 go down and REST-server-2 is running the output of the test is "404 - Not Found". I don't have any error in log.
Can someone help me to investigate the problem?
I added an additional server REST-server-3 in host-1 controller, in this case bl-server balancing for REST-server-1 and REST-server-3 but not for REST-server-2 with another controller and ip address.