We have recently migrated to Jboss EAP 6.4 from Jboss 4.2. In one of our EJB classes we are having over loaded methods create(AbstractBean) and create(AbstractEntity). The class AbstractEntity is extending AbstractBean class. When we try to invoke the create(AbstractBean) method in Jboss 6.4 instance we are getting the IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch error, but we are not getting this exception in Jboss 4.2.
When we comment out the create(AbstractEntity) method, the exception is not occurring, also when we try to invoke the method using reflection the exception is not occurring.
But we just wanted to know is there anything to be done in the server configuration to resolve this issue or as mentioned above using reflection is a correct solution.
Can anyone help us understand the Jboss6.4 behavior correctly.
Paste the complete stack trace of error here to review