1. Re: JTAOverWSATFeature cannot be enabled
vrlgohel May 8, 2017 3:49 AM (in response to chschred)There is a quickstart that is available here, wildfly-quickstart/wsat-simple at master · sgilda/wildfly-quickstart · GitHub.
Can you check the same and implement the client ?
2. Re: JTAOverWSATFeature cannot be enabled
chschred May 8, 2017 10:22 AM (in response to vrlgohel)The example you have linked is not the appropiate use case. They are using the txBridge directly whereas I just want to use XTS modul configuration as described in Narayana Product Documentation chapter and The feature I am talking about is explained in Additionally examples are provided in https://github.com/jbosstm/quickstart/tree/5.5.5.Final/XTS/wsat-jta-multi_service.
I changed the example to represent exactly my Problem in the following ways:
1. Deactive default-propagation in standalone-xts.xml (<default-context-propagation enabled="false"/>)
2. Adding the fature in FirstClient and SecondClient
Please find the adjusted project attached if someone can tell me how to upload a file
3. Re: JTAOverWSATFeature cannot be enabled
chschred May 8, 2017 2:05 PM (in response to chschred)I' got another solution. Just deactivate the default-propagation and add both webservice handlers of the txBridge to the client as stated in http://narayana.io//docs/product/index.html#d0e6799 chapter 5.3.4. In this case you can also define in which cases you want to propagate the transaction via webservice. However in my opinion the bug still exists and in case you want to deactivate the propagation for certain endpoints while default-propagation is active you get a problem.
If someone tells me how to upload files I can also provide the running ws-handler version of the official example.