2 Replies Latest reply on May 14, 2017 10:54 AM by aznidin

    Keycloak 3.1.0 - ManagedDatagramSocketBinding & ManagedMulticastSocketBinding Problem


      With little tweeks, I managed to deploy Keycloak 3.1.0 (with MySQL) docker image (https://hub.docker.com/r/jboss/keycloak-mysql/ ) with --server-config=standalone-ha.xml , but the log shows unexpected warnings. Without going through rebuilding the docker image, it's not possible to fix the problem using sysctl because it's not possible to become root in the container (what's the root password of the container, anyway?). Can I get the new link of a fixed docker image?


      2017-05-11 10:29:24,126 WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (MSC service thread 1-4) JGRP000015: the send buffer of socket ManagedDatagramSocketBinding was set to 1MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max send buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.wmem_max on Linux)


      2017-05-11 10:29:24,127 WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (MSC service thread 1-4) JGRP000015: the receive buffer of socket ManagedDatagramSocketBinding was set to 20MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max receive buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.rmem_max on Linux)


      2017-05-11 10:29:24,127 WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (MSC service thread 1-4) JGRP000015: the send buffer of socket ManagedMulticastSocketBinding was set to 1MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max send buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.wmem_max on Linux)


      2017-05-11 10:29:24,127 WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (MSC service thread 1-4) JGRP000015: the receive buffer of socket ManagedMulticastSocketBinding was set to 25MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB. This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max receive buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. net.core.rmem_max on Linux)