0 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2017 5:03 PM by kmark

    DefaultMessageListenerContainer with External AMQ on Wildfly 10




      Quick background: I am using Wildfly 10, Spring 4.3.2, and AMQ 5.14.0; connecting to an external AMQ server using the AMQ Resource Adapter.


      I am facing a very similar issue described in this thread: Deploying Spring Application as Jar


      However, I am not sure I understand the answer provided. Can anyone give any insight into how to make the DefaultMessageListenerContainer utilize JBoss threads? Every time I start the webapp, I get the following error:


      [Some connections were not closed, see the log for the allocation stacktraces]


      I think it may be because of Spring starting up threads and Undertow not recognizing them.


      Is there any easy way to combine Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer with Wildfly?


      Thank you!