1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 4, 2002 9:37 AM by christoferdutz

    deploy / redeploy / undeploy utility jar-files at runtime ?


      I posted a similar request some time ago, but I think I can present my problem a little better now.

      I have created a EJB called ModuleRegistry. It's task is to search the classpath ( and eventually other paths ) for class files ending with ModuleDescriptor.class and implemenet a ModuleDescriptor. These ModuleDescriptors are used for configuring installed modules by a Java-Applet GUI.
      Everything works fine, if I put everything in one jar-file. I would like to split up the packaging into a ejb.jar and public.jar. Public.jar should be added to the applications global classpath, so the ModuleRegistry can find these modules.
      In the article "EJB 2 and J2EE Packaging" at
      there is a description of how I can spit up the jar-files but I would have to change the "Class-Path" entry in the ModuleRegistries Jar-File Manifest each time a module is added/removed and then I would have to redeploy the ModuleRegistry.

      Is there another way ? Lets say I create a special directory within jboss and place all public.jar there. Can I make JBosss classloader instantiate theric content ?

      I hope I didn't confuse you.
      Please help me ... I am hanging at this problem for abot 2 weeks now ...

      Christofer Dutz

        • 1. Re: deploy / redeploy / undeploy utility jar-files at runtim

          just found out that I have been a little unclear again.

          Everything works if I put all utility-classes in public.jar and place it in the [JBoss-Home]/lib/ext ( ar mabe another ) and restart the Server. If I select to add all classes to one big ejb.jar I can instantiate the classes without problems, but I hav no way of finding out which classes are available :(