Sorry for the late response.
How am I supposed to show you the content of folder you mentioned? It's a clean installation using docker, but without any modifications except a connection to the company Nexus repo.
Here's a full log:
2017-05-23 14:08:44,750 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | ZooKeeper | 178 - io.fabric8.fabric-zookeeper - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Initiating client connection, connectString= sessionTimeout=60000 watcher=org.apache.curator.ConnectionState@6e79739e
2017-05-23 14:08:44,759 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | ContextHandler | 95 - org.eclipse.jetty.util - 9.2.19.v20160908 | Stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext [bundle=io.fabric8.fabric-maven-proxy [192], contextID=default]}
2017-05-23 14:08:44,771 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | ContextHandler | 95 - org.eclipse.jetty.util - 9.2.19.v20160908 | Stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=MavenSecureHttpContext{io.fabric8.fabric-maven-proxy - 192}}
2017-05-23 14:08:44,784 | INFO | ad-1-EventThread | ConnectionStateManager | 178 - io.fabric8.fabric-zookeeper - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | State change: CONNECTED
2017-05-23 14:08:44,846 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | PluginContextListener | 291 - io.hawt.hawtio-redhat-fuse-branding - 1.4.0.redhat-630261 | Destroyed hawtio-redhat-fuse-branding plugin
2017-05-23 14:08:44,847 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 115 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 4.3.0 | Unbinding bundle: [io.hawt.hawtio-redhat-fuse-branding [291]]
2017-05-23 14:08:44,852 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | ContextHandler | 95 - org.eclipse.jetty.util - 9.2.19.v20160908 | Stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=WebAppHttpContext{io.hawt.hawtio-redhat-fuse-branding - 291}}
2017-05-23 14:08:44,946 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 115 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 4.3.0 | Unbinding bundle: [org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http [117]]
2017-05-23 14:08:44,955 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | ContextHandler | 95 - org.eclipse.jetty.util - 9.2.19.v20160908 | Stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext [bundle=org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http [117], contextID=default]}
2017-05-23 14:08:44,975 | INFO | onfig-1-thread-2 | ServerConnector | 95 - org.eclipse.jetty.util - 9.2.19.v20160908 | Stopped default@584f16a5{HTTP/1.1}{}
2017-05-23 14:08:45,052 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:08:45,364 | INFO | s/jboss-fuse/etc | fileinstall | 10 - org.apache.felix.fileinstall - 3.5.8 | Updating bundle auth / 0.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:45,368 | WARN | nload-2-thread-4 | JaxbUtil | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Old style feature file without namespace found (URI: mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.11.0.redhat-630261/xml/features). This format is deprecated and support for it will soon be removed
2017-05-23 14:08:45,405 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | ZooKeeper | 178 - io.fabric8.fabric-zookeeper - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Session: 0x15c35a26ae20004 closed
2017-05-23 14:08:45,421 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | ZooKeeperGroup | 172 - io.fabric8.fabric-groups - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Creating ZK Group for path "/fabric/registry/clusters/git"
2017-05-23 14:08:45,422 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | ZooKeeperGroup | 172 - io.fabric8.fabric-groups - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Starting ZK Group for path "/fabric/registry/clusters/git"
2017-05-23 14:08:45,455 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | GitDataStoreImpl | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Starting up GitDataStore io.fabric8.git.internal.GitDataStoreImpl@3d49eb59
2017-05-23 14:08:45,456 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | GitDataStoreImpl | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Initial versions cached
2017-05-23 14:08:45,456 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | GitDataStoreImpl | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Using ZooKeeper SharedCount to react when master git repo is changed, so we can do a git pull to the local git repo.
2017-05-23 14:08:45,462 | WARN | nload-2-thread-3 | JaxbUtil | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Old style feature file without namespace found (URI: mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.11.0.redhat-630261/xml/features-core). This format is deprecated and support for it will soon be removed
2017-05-23 14:08:45,467 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | DefaultPullPushPolicy | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Performing a pull on remote URL:
2017-05-23 14:08:45,487 | WARN | nload-2-thread-1 | JaxbUtil | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Old style feature file without namespace found (URI: mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.11.0.redhat-630261/xml/features-core). This format is deprecated and support for it will soon be removed
2017-05-23 14:08:45,511 | INFO | 72-b99c0a56da37) | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 231 - - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Stopping the broker amq.
2017-05-23 14:08:45,519 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | BrokerService | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-630261 (amq, ID:6e7d8c07e315-39033-1495548407209-0:1) is shutting down
2017-05-23 14:08:45,524 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | TransportConnector | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Connector openwire stopped
2017-05-23 14:08:45,527 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | PListStoreImpl | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | PListStore:[/opt/jboss/jboss-fuse/data/amq/amq/tmp_storage] stopped
2017-05-23 14:08:45,527 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | KahaDBStore | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Stopping async queue tasks
2017-05-23 14:08:45,527 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | KahaDBStore | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Stopping async topic tasks
2017-05-23 14:08:45,532 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | KahaDBStore | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Stopped KahaDB
2017-05-23 14:08:45,561 | INFO | s/jboss-fuse/etc | fileinstall | 10 - org.apache.felix.fileinstall - 3.5.8 | Started bundle: wrap:jardir:/opt/jboss/jboss-fuse/etc/auth$Bundle-SymbolicName=auth&Bundle-Version=0.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:45,575 | INFO | MCF-1-thread-1 | DefaultPullPushPolicy | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Pull result: [localUpdate=[],remoteUpdate=false,versions=[1.0, container-history, master, patches-admin-child, patches-child, patches-root-amq, patches-root-fuse, patches-ssh-fabric8, patches-ssh-fuse],error=null]
2017-05-23 14:08:45,607 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | BrokerService | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-630261 (amq, ID:6e7d8c07e315-39033-1495548407209-0:1) uptime 1 minute
2017-05-23 14:08:45,607 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | BrokerService | 219 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.11.0.redhat-630261 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-630261 (amq, ID:6e7d8c07e315-39033-1495548407209-0:1) is shutdown
2017-05-23 14:08:45,607 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | ActiveMQServiceFactory$1 | 205 - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context - 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 | Closing$1@cd690e1: startup date [Tue May 23 14:06:45 UTC 2017]; root of context hierarchy
2017-05-23 14:08:45,608 | INFO | AMQ-1-thread-1 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 203 - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans - 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 | Destroying singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy
2017-05-23 14:08:45,778 | INFO | cache-4-thread-1 | ZkDataStoreImpl | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Event CHILD_ADDED detected on /fabric/configs/ensemble/url with data ${zk:fabric01/ip}:2181. Sending notification.
2017-05-23 14:08:45,781 | INFO | cache-4-thread-1 | ZkDataStoreImpl | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Event CHILD_ADDED detected on /fabric/configs/ensemble with data 0000. Sending notification.
2017-05-23 14:08:45,781 | INFO | cache-4-thread-1 | ZkDataStoreImpl | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Event CHILD_ADDED detected on /fabric/configs/versions/1.0/containers/fuse01 with data fabric. Sending notification.
2017-05-23 14:08:45,781 | INFO | cache-4-thread-1 | ZkDataStoreImpl | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Event CHILD_ADDED detected on /fabric/configs/containers/fuse01 with data 1.0. Sending notification.
2017-05-23 14:08:46,823 | INFO | tures-2-thread-1 | FeaturesService | 179 - io.fabric8.fabric-features-service - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Features configuration correctly set
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Changes to perform:
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Region: root
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Bundles to uninstall:
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.felix.bundlerepository / 2.0.4
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.obr / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jboss.fuse.esb-commands / 6.3.0.redhat-261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jaas.jasypt / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.base.lang / 1.5.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.swissbox.core / 1.8.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.8.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.commons / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.classpath / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.deployer.features / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,656 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxws-api-2.2 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.2.1.redhat-1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.fastinfoset /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-core / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-management / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.wsdl4j /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-wsdl / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-xml / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-soap / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.reflect / 4.5.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-simple / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.lang3 / 3.4.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml / 2.6.3
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.annotations / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.models / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.core / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.jaxrs / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.codehaus.jettison.jettison / 1.3.7
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-search / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-service-description / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-client / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 15.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | biz.aQute.bndlib /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-cxf / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.manager / 1.3.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint / 1.0.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | javax.jms-api / 2.0.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-core / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-expression / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-aop / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context-support / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.core / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extender / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec / 1.1.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec / 1.0.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.jaxb2-basics-runtime / 0.6.4
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.pool / 1.6.0.redhat-9
2017-05-23 14:08:48,657 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 3.3.0.redhat-3
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper / 3.4.7
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.spring / 3.18.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | activemq-karaf / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt-spring31 / 1.9.3.redhat_3
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 / 1.1.4.c
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | joda-time / 2.9.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec / 2.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activeio-core / 3.1.4
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.scala-lang.scala-library / 2.11.7.v20150622-112736-1fbce4612c
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.classloader / 3.18.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-catalog / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-commands-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-tx / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf-transport / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-jms / 3.2.16.RELEASE_2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jms / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-camel / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.csv / 1.1.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-csv / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ftp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-bindy / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jdbc / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.exec / 1.3.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-exec / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jasypt / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-saxon / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.snmp4j /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-snmp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ognl /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javassist / 3.12.1.GA_3
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ognl / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-routebox / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-script / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring-javaconfig / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jaxb / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jmx / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-mail / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-paxlogging / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-rmi / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | jline / 2.12.1.redhat-002
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jsr311-api-1.1.1 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | auth / 0.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Bundles to install:
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-all/2.4.8
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/archetype-builder/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/archetype-commands/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-agent-commands/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-core-agent-ssh/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-git-hawtio/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-groovy/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-jolokia/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-web/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-redhat-amq-branding/1.4.redhat-630261/war
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.hawt.swagger/hawtio-swagger-ui/1.4.redhat-630261/war
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Bundles to refresh:
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | activemq-karaf / 5.11.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | auth / 0.0.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | biz.aQute.bndlib / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml / 2.6.3 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 15.0.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.sun.mail.javax.mail / 1.5.5 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-boot-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to io.fabric8.fabric-git/1.2.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to io.fabric8.fabric-boot-commands/1.2.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-cxf / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-extender-listener / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to org.springframework.osgi.core/1.2.1 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-features-service / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to org.apache.karaf.features.core/2.4.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch/ which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git-server / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to io.fabric8.fabric-git/1.2.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.patch.patch-core / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to io.fabric8.fabric-git/1.2.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,659 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.hawt.hawtio-web / 1.4.0.redhat-630261 (Should be wired to: io.fabric8.fabric-git-hawtio/1.2.0.redhat-630261 (through [io.hawt.hawtio-web/1.4.0.redhat-630261] osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=io.hawt.git)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))"; resolution:=optional))
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.annotations / 1.5.8 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.core / 1.5.8 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.jaxrs / 1.5.8 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.models / 1.5.8 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | javax.jms-api / 2.0.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | jline / 2.12.1.redhat-002 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | joda-time / 2.9.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activeio-core / 3.1.4 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-camel / 5.11.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi / 5.11.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint / 1.0.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.manager / 1.3.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-bindy / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-catalog / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-commands-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-csv / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf-transport / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-exec / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ftp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jasypt / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jaxb / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jdbc / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jms / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jmx / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-mail / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ognl / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-paxlogging / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-rmi / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-routebox / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-saxon / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-script / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-snmp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring-javaconfig / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands / 2.17.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.csv / 1.1.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.exec / 1.3.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.lang3 / 3.4.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 3.3.0.redhat-3 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.pool / 1.6.0.redhat-9 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-core / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-soap / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-xml / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-simple / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,660 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-management / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-client / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-search / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-service-description / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-wsdl / 3.1.5.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.felix.bundlerepository / 2.0.4 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec / 1.1.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec / 2.0.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec / 1.0.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper / 3.4.7 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.deployer.features / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to org.apache.karaf.features.core/2.4.0.redhat-630261 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.obr / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jaas.jasypt / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261 (Wired to org.springframework.osgi.core/1.2.1 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.fastinfoset / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt-spring31 / 1.9.3.redhat_3 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javassist / 3.12.1.GA_3 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl / (Wired to org.apache.servicemix.bundles.fastinfoset/ which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-xjc / (Wired to org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl/ which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ognl / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.reflections / (Wired to org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3/1.1.4.c which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.snmp4j / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-aop / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context-support / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-core / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-expression / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-jms / 3.2.16.RELEASE_2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-tx / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.swagger-jaxrs / (Wired to org.apache.servicemix.bundles.reflections/ which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.wsdl4j / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 / 1.1.4.c (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 / 2.7.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 / 2.7.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxws-api-2.2 / 2.7.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jsr311-api-1.1.1 / 2.7.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3 / 2.7.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 / 2.7.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.2.1.redhat-1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.classloader / 3.18.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.reflect / 4.5.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.spring / 3.18.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.codehaus.jettison.jettison / 1.3.7 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.eclipse.jetty.jndi / 9.2.19.v20160908 (Wired to com.sun.mail.javax.mail/1.5.5 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 9.2.19.v20160908 (Wired to org.eclipse.jetty.jndi/9.2.19.v20160908 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jboss.fuse.esb-commands / 6.3.0.redhat-261 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.jaxb2-basics-runtime / 0.6.4 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.base.lang / 1.5.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service / 1.9.1 (Wired to com.sun.mail.javax.mail/1.5.5 which is being refreshed)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.swissbox.core / 1.8.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.8.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.classpath / 2.5.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.commons / 2.5.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn / 2.5.2 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.scala-lang.scala-library / 2.11.7.v20150622-112736-1fbce4612c (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.core / 1.2.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extender / 1.2.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations / 1.2.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,666 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
2017-05-23 14:08:48,673 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Stopping bundles:
2017-05-23 14:08:48,674 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | auth / 0.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,677 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:auth with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,680 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jsr311-api-1.1.1 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,680 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.specs.jsr311-api-1.1.1 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,683 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,683 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,686 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Activator | 277 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 4.3.0 | Destroying extension for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:48,700 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,700 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,730 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | jline / 2.12.1.redhat-002
2017-05-23 14:08:48,730 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:jline with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,734 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,734 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,740 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-camel / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,744 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.activemq.activemq-camel with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,750 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,750 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.jms.command with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,751 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.karaf.jms.command/2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,777 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,777 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.jms.core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,777 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.karaf.jms.core/2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,794 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.classloader / 3.18.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,794 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.xbean.classloader with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,797 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | javax.jms-api / 2.0.1
2017-05-23 14:08:48,797 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:javax.jms-api with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,800 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,800 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,800 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:48,808 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-cxf / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,808 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-cxf with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,809 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle io.fabric8.fabric-cxf/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,815 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | biz.aQute.bndlib /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,815 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:biz.aQute.bndlib with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,817 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 15.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,818 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,822 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,822 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,827 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,828 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,838 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,838 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,845 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,846 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,851 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-rmi / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,851 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-rmi with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,855 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-paxlogging / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,855 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-paxlogging with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,858 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-mail / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,859 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-mail with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,865 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jmx / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,865 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-jmx with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,868 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jaxb / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,869 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-jaxb with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,874 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring-javaconfig / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,875 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-spring-javaconfig with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,877 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-script / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,878 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-script with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,883 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Activator | 267 - org.apache.camel.camel-script - 2.17.0.redhat-630261 | Camel-Script activator stopping
2017-05-23 14:08:48,891 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Activator | 267 - org.apache.camel.camel-script - 2.17.0.redhat-630261 | Camel-Script activator stopped
2017-05-23 14:08:48,891 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,893 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,893 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,893 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,893 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-routebox / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,893 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-routebox with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,895 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ognl / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,895 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-ognl with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,896 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javassist / 3.12.1.GA_3
2017-05-23 14:08:48,896 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javassist with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,896 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ognl /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,897 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ognl with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,897 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-snmp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,897 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-snmp with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,899 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.snmp4j /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,899 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.snmp4j with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,900 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-saxon / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,900 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-saxon with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,903 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,904 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,904 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jasypt / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,904 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-jasypt with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,904 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-exec / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,904 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-exec with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,907 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.exec / 1.3.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,907 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.commons.exec with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,907 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jdbc / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,908 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-jdbc with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,910 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-bindy / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,910 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-bindy with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,911 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ftp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,912 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-ftp with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,913 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,913 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,913 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-csv / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,913 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-csv with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,915 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.csv / 1.1.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,915 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.commons.csv with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,915 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jms / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,915 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-jms with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,918 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,918 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-cxf with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,918 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.camel.camel-cxf/2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,925 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf-transport / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,925 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-cxf-transport with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,925 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.camel.camel-cxf-transport/2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,929 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,930 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-spring with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,933 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,933 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,933 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands/2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,971 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-commands-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,971 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-commands-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,971 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,972 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,972 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint/2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,975 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-catalog / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,976 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-catalog with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,976 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,976 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.camel.camel-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,980 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Activator | 232 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.17.0.redhat-630261 | Camel activator stopping
2017-05-23 14:08:48,981 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Activator | 232 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.17.0.redhat-630261 | Camel activator stopped
2017-05-23 14:08:48,981 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.scala-lang.scala-library / 2.11.7.v20150622-112736-1fbce4612c
2017-05-23 14:08:48,982 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.scala-lang.scala-library with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,982 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activeio-core / 3.1.4
2017-05-23 14:08:48,982 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.activemq.activeio-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,982 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec / 2.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:48,982 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,982 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,983 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,983 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | joda-time / 2.9.2
2017-05-23 14:08:48,983 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:joda-time with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,983 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 / 1.1.4.c
2017-05-23 14:08:48,983 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,984 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt-spring31 / 1.9.3.redhat_3
2017-05-23 14:08:48,984 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt-spring31 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,984 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity /
2017-05-23 14:08:48,984 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,984 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | activemq-karaf / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,985 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:activemq-karaf with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,985 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle activemq-karaf/5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,998 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:48,999 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:48,999 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,004 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.spring / 3.18.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,005 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.xbean.spring with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,005 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper / 3.4.7
2017-05-23 14:08:49,005 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,005 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 3.3.0.redhat-3
2017-05-23 14:08:49,005 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,006 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.pool / 1.6.0.redhat-9
2017-05-23 14:08:49,006 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.commons.pool with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,006 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.jaxb2-basics-runtime / 0.6.4
2017-05-23 14:08:49,006 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.jaxb2-basics-runtime with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,006 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec / 1.0.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,007 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,007 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec / 1.1.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,007 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,007 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jboss.fuse.esb-commands / 6.3.0.redhat-261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,007 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.jboss.fuse.esb-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,007 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.jboss.fuse.esb-commands/6.3.0.redhat-261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,013 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,013 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,016 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-client / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,016 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-client with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,018 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,018 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,019 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-service-description / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,020 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-service-description with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,020 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-search / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,020 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-search with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,020 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,020 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,021 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,021 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,022 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-simple / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,022 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-simple with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,024 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,024 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,030 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-soap / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,030 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-soap with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,031 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-xml / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,031 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-xml with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,031 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,032 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,032 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-wsdl / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,032 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-wsdl with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,032 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-management / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-management with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-core / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.cxf.cxf-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 74
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 76
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 78
2017-05-23 14:08:49,033 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 79
2017-05-23 14:08:49,034 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 239
2017-05-23 14:08:49,034 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 240
2017-05-23 14:08:49,034 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 117
2017-05-23 14:08:49,034 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | CXFActivator | 73 - org.apache.cxf.cxf-core - 3.1.5.redhat-630261 | Removing the extensions for bundle 119
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.jaxrs / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.swagger.jaxrs with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.core / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.swagger.core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.models / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.swagger.models with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.annotations / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,043 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.swagger.annotations with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,044 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml / 2.6.3
2017-05-23 14:08:49,044 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,044 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.lang3 / 3.4.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,044 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.commons.lang3 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,044 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-jms / 3.2.16.RELEASE_2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,044 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-jms with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-tx / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-tx with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extender / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.springframework.osgi.extender with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,045 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | ContextLoaderListener | 210 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Stopping [org.springframework.osgi.extender] bundle v.[1.2.1]
2017-05-23 14:08:49,057 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | TimerTaskExecutor | 205 - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context - 3.2.16.RELEASE_1 | Cancelling Timer
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.core / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.springframework.osgi.core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,058 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context-support / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context-support with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-aop / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-aop with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-expression / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,059 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-expression with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-core / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint / 1.0.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,060 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint/1.0.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,069 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.manager / 1.3.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,069 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.aries.transaction.manager with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,080 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.codehaus.jettison.jettison / 1.3.7
2017-05-23 14:08:49,080 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.codehaus.jettison.jettison with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,080 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.wsdl4j /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.wsdl4j with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.fastinfoset /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.fastinfoset with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.2.1.redhat-1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,081 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,084 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,084 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,084 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,086 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,087 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,087 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,089 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,090 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,090 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,098 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,098 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,098 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,101 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,102 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,103 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,108 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,108 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,109 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:49,111 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.classpath / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,112 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.ops4j.pax.url.classpath with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,114 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.commons / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,114 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.ops4j.pax.url.commons with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,115 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.8.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,115 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,115 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.swissbox.core / 1.8.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,115 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.ops4j.pax.swissbox.core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,115 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.base.lang / 1.5.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,116 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.ops4j.base.lang with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,116 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jaas.jasypt / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,116 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.jaas.jasypt with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,116 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.karaf.jaas.jasypt/2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,121 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.deployer.features / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,121 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.deployer.features with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,121 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.karaf.deployer.features/2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,128 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,128 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,129 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.obr / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,130 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.features.obr with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,130 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.karaf.features.obr/2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,134 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.reflect / 4.5.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,134 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.xbean.reflect with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,134 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,134 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.features.core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,201 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,202 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,202 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxws-api-2.2 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,202 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxws-api-2.2 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,203 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,203 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,204 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,204 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,204 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,204 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,206 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.felix.bundlerepository / 2.0.4
2017-05-23 14:08:49,206 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.felix.bundlerepository with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,210 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,210 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,303 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Uninstalling bundles:
2017-05-23 14:08:49,303 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,319 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.felix.bundlerepository / 2.0.4
2017-05-23 14:08:49,325 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,328 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.obr / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,331 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jboss.fuse.esb-commands / 6.3.0.redhat-261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,340 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jaas.jasypt / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,346 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.base.lang / 1.5.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,353 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.swissbox.core / 1.8.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,362 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.8.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,364 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.commons / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,367 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.url.classpath / 2.5.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,373 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.deployer.features / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,384 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,395 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,404 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,411 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,413 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,419 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,428 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,434 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,436 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,439 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,447 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxws-api-2.2 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,449 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.saaj-api-1.3 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,451 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.2.1.redhat-1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,453 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,454 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.fastinfoset /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,455 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-core / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,457 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-management / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,458 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.wsdl4j /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,459 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-wsdl / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,461 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,466 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-xml / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,467 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-soap / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,468 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.reflect / 4.5.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,470 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,471 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-simple / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,473 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,475 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.lang3 / 3.4.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,476 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml / 2.6.3
2017-05-23 14:08:49,477 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.annotations / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,478 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.models / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,482 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.core / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,484 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.swagger.jaxrs / 1.5.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,485 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.codehaus.jettison.jettison / 1.3.7
2017-05-23 14:08:49,486 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,510 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-extension-search / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,512 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-service-description / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,518 | INFO | tures-3-thread-1 | FeaturesService | 179 - io.fabric8.fabric-features-service - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Features configuration correctly set
2017-05-23 14:08:49,519 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,521 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-rs-client / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,522 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 15.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,524 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | biz.aQute.bndlib /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,527 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-cxf / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,530 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,532 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.manager / 1.3.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,533 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.aries.transaction.blueprint / 1.0.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,536 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | javax.jms-api / 2.0.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,538 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,539 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-core / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,540 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-expression / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,542 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,543 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-aop / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,544 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,546 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-context-support / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,548 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,550 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,551 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.core / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,552 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extender / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,553 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations / 1.2.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,555 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec / 1.1.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,557 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec / 1.0.1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,561 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.jaxb2-basics-runtime / 0.6.4
2017-05-23 14:08:49,562 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.pool / 1.6.0.redhat-9
2017-05-23 14:08:49,564 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 3.3.0.redhat-3
2017-05-23 14:08:49,565 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper / 3.4.7
2017-05-23 14:08:49,568 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.spring / 3.18.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,569 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,570 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | activemq-karaf / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,573 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,575 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt-spring31 / 1.9.3.redhat_3
2017-05-23 14:08:49,585 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 / 1.1.4.c
2017-05-23 14:08:49,586 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | joda-time / 2.9.2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,587 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,588 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec / 2.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,589 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activeio-core / 3.1.4
2017-05-23 14:08:49,590 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.scala-lang.scala-library / 2.11.7.v20150622-112736-1fbce4612c
2017-05-23 14:08:49,592 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.xbean.classloader / 3.18.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,593 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,594 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,595 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,596 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-catalog / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,598 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-blueprint / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,599 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-commands-core / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,600 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,603 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-tx / 3.2.16.RELEASE_1
2017-05-23 14:08:49,604 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,605 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty / 3.1.5.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,609 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf-transport / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,610 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-cxf / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,613 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,614 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-jms / 3.2.16.RELEASE_2
2017-05-23 14:08:49,616 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jms / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,617 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.jms.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,619 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.activemq.activemq-camel / 5.11.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,621 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,625 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.csv / 1.1.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,626 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-csv / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,628 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,628 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ftp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,630 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-bindy / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,631 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jdbc / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,633 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.commons.exec / 1.3.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,634 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-exec / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,636 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jasypt / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,637 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,639 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-saxon / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,641 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.snmp4j /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,642 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-snmp / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,644 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.ognl /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,645 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javassist / 3.12.1.GA_3
2017-05-23 14:08:49,647 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-ognl / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,648 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-routebox / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,650 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.antlr /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,652 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,655 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-script / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,658 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-spring-javaconfig / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,661 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jaxb / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,663 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-jmx / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,667 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-mail / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,669 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-paxlogging / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,675 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.camel.camel-rmi / 2.17.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,677 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | jline / 2.12.1.redhat-002
2017-05-23 14:08:49,679 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,682 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,687 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,689 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,703 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,705 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.specs.jsr311-api-1.1.1 / 2.7.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,707 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | auth / 0.0.0
2017-05-23 14:08:49,718 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Installing bundles:
2017-05-23 14:08:49,721 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-all/2.4.8
2017-05-23 14:08:49,751 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/archetype-builder/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,753 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/archetype-commands/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,754 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-agent-commands/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,757 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-core-agent-ssh/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,759 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-git-hawtio/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,760 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-groovy/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,762 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-jolokia/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,764 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.fabric8/fabric-web/1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,765 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-redhat-amq-branding/1.4.redhat-630261/war
2017-05-23 14:08:49,767 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | mvn:io.hawt.swagger/hawtio-swagger-ui/1.4.redhat-630261/war
2017-05-23 14:08:49,774 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Stopping bundles:
2017-05-23 14:08:49,775 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.hawt.hawtio-web / 1.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,776 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.hawt.hawtio-web with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,777 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Activator | 277 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 4.3.0 | Destroying extension for bundle io.hawt.hawtio-web
2017-05-23 14:08:49,779 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,779 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.karaf.features.command with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,780 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle org.apache.karaf.features.command/2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,801 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git-server / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,801 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-git-server with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,803 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-extender-listener / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,803 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-extender-listener with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,808 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.swagger-jaxrs /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,808 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.swagger-jaxrs with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,808 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.reflections /
2017-05-23 14:08:49,808 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.reflections with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,810 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,810 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,935 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-features-service / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,935 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-features-service with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,948 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-boot-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,949 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-boot-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,960 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,960 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-git with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,992 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.patch.patch-core / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,992 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:io.fabric8.patch.patch-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,993 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 9.2.19.v20160908
2017-05-23 14:08:49,994 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,994 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.eclipse.jetty.jndi / 9.2.19.v20160908
2017-05-23 14:08:49,994 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.eclipse.jetty.jndi with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,994 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:49,994 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:49,994 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 23 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.7.1 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle
2017-05-23 14:08:50,019 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-xjc /
2017-05-23 14:08:50,019 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-xjc with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,019 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl /
2017-05-23 14:08:50,019 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,020 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.sun.mail.javax.mail / 1.5.5
2017-05-23 14:08:50,020 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:com.sun.mail.javax.mail with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,020 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service / 1.9.1
2017-05-23 14:08:50,020 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled stop for bundle:org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,321 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | com.sun.mail.javax.mail / 1.5.5
2017-05-23 14:08:50,330 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:com.sun.mail.javax.mail with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,332 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl /
2017-05-23 14:08:50,333 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,334 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-xjc /
2017-05-23 14:08:50,334 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-xjc with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,338 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.eclipse.jetty.jndi / 9.2.19.v20160908
2017-05-23 14:08:50,344 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:org.eclipse.jetty.jndi with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,345 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 9.2.19.v20160908
2017-05-23 14:08:50,345 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,345 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,345 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,403 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.patch.patch-core / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,403 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.patch.patch-core with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,418 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-jolokia / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,429 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-jolokia with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,448 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.reflections /
2017-05-23 14:08:50,448 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.reflections with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,448 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.hawt.hawtio-redhat-amq-branding / 1.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,449 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.hawt.hawtio-redhat-amq-branding with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,455 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,457 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-git with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,533 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | ZooKeeperGroup | 172 - io.fabric8.fabric-groups - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Creating ZK Group for path "/fabric/registry/clusters/git"
2017-05-23 14:08:50,533 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | ZooKeeperGroup | 172 - io.fabric8.fabric-groups - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Starting ZK Group for path "/fabric/registry/clusters/git"
2017-05-23 14:08:50,550 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | GitDataStoreImpl | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Starting up GitDataStore io.fabric8.git.internal.GitDataStoreImpl@3b40f541
2017-05-23 14:08:50,559 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | GitDataStoreImpl | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Initial versions cached
2017-05-23 14:08:50,559 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | GitDataStoreImpl | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Using ZooKeeper SharedCount to react when master git repo is changed, so we can do a git pull to the local git repo.
2017-05-23 14:08:50,566 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | DefaultPullPushPolicy | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Performing a pull on remote URL:
2017-05-23 14:08:50,648 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | DefaultPullPushPolicy | 173 - io.fabric8.fabric-git - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Pull result: [localUpdate=[],remoteUpdate=false,versions=[1.0, container-history, master, patches-admin-child, patches-child, patches-root-amq, patches-root-fuse, patches-ssh-fabric8, patches-ssh-fuse],error=null]
2017-05-23 14:08:50,706 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git-hawtio / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,712 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-git-hawtio with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,737 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.servicemix.bundles.swagger-jaxrs /
2017-05-23 14:08:50,745 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.swagger-jaxrs with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,751 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.hawt.swagger.hawtio-swagger-ui / 1.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,761 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.hawt.swagger.hawtio-swagger-ui with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,767 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-boot-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,767 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-boot-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:50,801 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.archetype-builder / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:50,812 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.archetype-builder with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,148 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.archetype-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,148 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.archetype-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,168 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-git-server / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,169 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-git-server with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,171 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.hawt.hawtio-web / 1.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,172 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.hawt.hawtio-web with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,487 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-features-service / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,487 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-features-service with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,509 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | org.apache.karaf.features.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,510 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:org.apache.karaf.features.command with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,556 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,556 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,880 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-extender-listener / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,885 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-extender-listener with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,903 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-agent-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,903 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-agent-commands with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,926 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-core-agent-ssh / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,927 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-core-agent-ssh with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,951 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-web / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:51,951 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-web with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:51,988 | INFO | tures-1-thread-1 | FeaturesService | 179 - io.fabric8.fabric-features-service - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Features configuration correctly set
2017-05-23 14:08:52,039 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | groovy-all / 2.4.8
2017-05-23 14:08:52,039 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:groovy-all with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:52,048 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | io.fabric8.fabric-groovy / 1.2.0.redhat-630261
2017-05-23 14:08:52,051 | INFO | loyer-3-thread-1 | Deployer | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Scheduled start for bundle:io.fabric8.fabric-groovy with a timeout limit of 60 seconds
2017-05-23 14:08:52,052 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:08:52,057 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | DeploymentAgent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Validating baseline information
2017-05-23 14:08:52,106 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | patch-management | 1 - io.fabric8.patch.patch-management - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Configuring patch management system
2017-05-23 14:08:52,107 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | patch-management | 1 - io.fabric8.patch.patch-management - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Fetching data from /opt/jboss/jboss-fuse/data/git/local/fabric
2017-05-23 14:08:53,383 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | patch-management | 1 - io.fabric8.patch.patch-management - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Available tags: [baseline-6.3.0.redhat-261, baseline-child-2.4.0.redhat-630261, baseline-root-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-261, baseline-ssh-fabric8-1.2.0.redhat-630261]
2017-05-23 14:08:55,862 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | patch-management | 1 - io.fabric8.patch.patch-management - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Storing user changes
2017-05-23 14:08:57,400 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | patch-management | 1 - io.fabric8.patch.patch-management - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Fetching data from /opt/jboss/jboss-fuse/data/git/local/fabric
2017-05-23 14:08:57,428 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | patch-management | 1 - io.fabric8.patch.patch-management - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Available tags: [baseline-6.3.0.redhat-261, baseline-child-2.4.0.redhat-630261, baseline-root-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-261, baseline-ssh-fabric8-1.2.0.redhat-630261]
2017-05-23 14:08:59,054 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:08:59,126 | INFO | 5.0.1-1-thread-1 | Agent | 175 - io.fabric8.fabric-agent - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Done.
2017-05-23 14:09:06,055 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:13,055 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:20,056 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:27,056 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:34,057 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:41,057 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:48,057 | WARN | onfig-1-thread-2 | ProfileUrlHandler | 171 - io.fabric8.fabric-core - 1.2.0.redhat-630261 | Connection to fabric service is temporarily not available. Retrying...
2017-05-23 14:09:55,060 | ERROR | onfig-1-thread-2 | JettyServerImpl | 116 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 4.3.0 | Exception while starting Jetty
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resource jetty.xml does not exist in the profile overlay.
at io.fabric8.api.gravia.IllegalStateAssertion.assertNotNull([170:io.fabric8.fabric-api:1.2.0.redhat-630261]
at io.fabric8.service.ProfileUrlHandler$Connection.getInputStream([171:io.fabric8.fabric-core:1.2.0.redhat-630261]
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser.parse([99:org.eclipse.jetty.xml:9.2.19.v20160908]
at org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser.parse([99:org.eclipse.jetty.xml:9.2.19.v20160908]
at org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlConfiguration.<init>([99:org.eclipse.jetty.xml:9.2.19.v20160908]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.JettyServerImpl.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl$Stopped.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl$Unconfigured.configure([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl.configure([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.internal.Activator.updateController([115:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.internal.Activator$[115:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime:4.3.0]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$[:1.8.0_121]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker([:1.8.0_121]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$[:1.8.0_121]
2017-05-23 14:09:55,063 | ERROR | onfig-1-thread-2 | Activator | 115 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 4.3.0 | Unable to start pax web server: Exception while starting Jetty
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception while starting Jetty
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.JettyServerImpl.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl$Stopped.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl$Unconfigured.configure([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.ServerControllerImpl.configure([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.internal.Activator.updateController([115:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime:4.3.0]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.internal.Activator$[115:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime:4.3.0]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$[:1.8.0_121]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker([:1.8.0_121]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$[:1.8.0_121]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resource jetty.xml does not exist in the profile overlay.
at io.fabric8.api.gravia.IllegalStateAssertion.assertNotNull([170:io.fabric8.fabric-api:1.2.0.redhat-630261]
at io.fabric8.service.ProfileUrlHandler$Connection.getInputStream([171:io.fabric8.fabric-core:1.2.0.redhat-630261]
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLVersionDetector.determineDocVersion([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse([:2.11.0.SP4-redhat-1]
at org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser.parse([99:org.eclipse.jetty.xml:9.2.19.v20160908]
at org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlParser.parse([99:org.eclipse.jetty.xml:9.2.19.v20160908]
at org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlConfiguration.<init>([99:org.eclipse.jetty.xml:9.2.19.v20160908]
at org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.JettyServerImpl.start([116:org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty:4.3.0]
... 11 more