1. Re: Infinispan UI interface show blank page for one domain when two domain is started in same network
vblagojevic Jul 10, 2017 5:00 AM (in response to vishalhighq)Hi Vishal,
I am not sure I understand completely your setup. Are you trying to make both computers part of the same cluster or a separate one? Can you provide more details on how did you configure and start the domain mode on these two computers? Are you able to view colleagues admin console from his computer?
2. Re: Infinispan UI interface show blank page for one domain when two domain is started in same network
jeet.bavishi Oct 30, 2017 2:46 AM (in response to vblagojevic)Hi vladimir,
I am now looking over the above issue which was earlier mentioned by my colleague. We are now using infinispan-9.1.1. Final.
Following is the structure:
- One DC in my PC.
- One DC in my colleague's PC.
I am starting both DC's by running domain.bat. And yes, since both the DCs are in same network they are going to be in same cluster as both the DC has same configurations too.
We are creating a structure where we have 2 DCs actively running and both will have some host configured for them. In such cases where one of the DCs go down we have mentioned other DC as backup. So lets say, if DC in my PC goes down then all the hosts which were earlier connected to this DC will now try and connect to other DC in my colleague's PC so we are providing fail-over for the DC.
But as mentioned above only one web console comes up and when we start second DC, web console for the second DC does not come up. When I inspected the issue in second DC, it says that it can not find the first DC so I believe they are trying to connect because of same cluster.
Can you please help us here? We are stuck and need immediate help. And also, can you help in suggesting how should we solve the issue of DC failover if above mentioned way is not correct?
Please reply ASAP
3. Re: Infinispan UI interface show blank page for one domain when two domain is started in same network
jafarre.viewnext Jul 13, 2019 3:31 PM (in response to vblagojevic)Hello,
I just created a regular infinispan domain installation, with one master and a remote slave, and I'm having the same problem: then console is totally blank.
With the brower developer tools I can see;
- A redirection to /console/index.html (in the address bar I get a fragment: http://localhost:9990/console/index.html#/containers )
- loading index.html
- loading management-console-9.4.10-SNAPSHOT.min.js
- many posts to /management returning status 200 and JSON responses which look OK
But the page is still blank.
I'm using infinispan 9.4.15 on CentOS 7.
Can you help?
Thank you.