1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 13, 2017 4:04 AM by tomjenkinson

    How to view properties of ironjacamar.xml file in JBoss7 web console


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      I am deploying an ironjacamar.xml file, packaged inside an rar file to JBoss7. Here is my file structure for the ironjacamar file.


      Here is my configuration in my standalone.xml:

      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:resource-adapters:5.0"> 
              <resource-adapter id="ResourceAdapter">
                  <archive> resource-adapter.rar </archive>

      I have established that my adapter is working for me when I deploy it to JBoss, but in the JBoss web app, I can see the resource-adapter.rar file listed under under Configurations->Subsystems->Resource Adapters, however it fails to show any of the properties of the ironjacamar.xml file. Can anyone suggest how to do this so that I can see the properties in the ironjacamar.xml file?