6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 23, 2017 5:09 PM by jasonperrone

    Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?




      Our application is being installed on multiple servers by consultants and customers. The current way of configuring SAML with PicketLink consists of changing the picklink-idfed.xml which is within the WAR file. However we need a way to configure the IdentityURL, ServiceURL and trusts etc. from our own property file or other external source, but not by changing a file within the WAR file. How can I do this, is there a programmatic interface within PicketLink to do this?


      Thanks in advance,



        • 1. Re: Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?

          Edwin,  we have not yet dealt with that.  I know that this is a challenge at deployment.  Since this is open source, I suggest that you can start a discussion around this in the PicketLink Discussion forum and we will gladly give you commit rights to bring in the changes (that we agree on in the discussion forum).

          • 2. Re: Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?

            I have changed the class org.picketlink.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.sp.BaseFormAuthenticator so it will first check for a system property before reading the WEB-INF/picketlink-idfed.xml file.


            private void processStart() throws LifecycleException
                Handlers handlers = null;


                ServletContext servletContext = context.getServletContext();


                InputStream is = null;
                String filenaam = System.getProperty("SSOConfig");
                if (filenaam != null)
                        is = new FileInputStream(filenaam);
                    catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e)
                        // nothing         


                    if (is == null) throw new RuntimeException(filenaam + " missing");
                } else
                    is = servletContext.getResourceAsStream(configFile);
                    if (is == null) throw new RuntimeException(configFile + " missing");




            • 3. Re: Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?

              The last release of PL has externalizing configuration feature.  Take a look.

              • 4. Re: Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?

                Can you point me in the right direction? Do you mean the trunk or release 1.04? I just checked out your commits to the trunk and I could not find any configuration changes.

                • 5. Re: Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?

                  Sorry Edwin.  The STS configuration is pluggagle.




                  I wanted to do the same for the IDP/SP, but was not motivated enough to do it for 1.0.4    Will punt it for 1.0.5

                  • 6. Re: Externalizing PicketLink configuration? How?

                    Has this ever been resolved? I have implemented a ZERO code solution in my Tomcat app for this, meaning I am only using PL to forward to an IdentityURL and that forwards back to me with a SAML response. I don't want to get into subclassing anything. I only want to be able to make the config changes to the Tomcat web.xml, not my app's web.xml.