1. Re: Configure BPM Suite used MS SQL and set unicode for task
mccloud Sep 4, 2017 7:11 AM (in response to huyrong)As you already stated, MS SQLServer 2016 is not a supported configuration for BPM Suite 6.x. Nevertheless, according to some documentation I read, not much has changed between SQL Server 2012 and 2016 from a Hibernate perspective.
You state that you've correctly configured BPM Suite. Can you explain how you configured it? Are you seeing this error when "business-central.war" starts up? Or is it an error from "kie-server.war"?
I don't have a direct answer to the "unicode" problem, will come back to that later.
2. Re: Configure BPM Suite used MS SQL and set unicode for task
huyrong Sep 4, 2017 9:47 PM (in response to huyrong)Thank for your help.
1.Incorrect syntax near 'limit' : Cause "dashbuilder.war" using query have key "limit". I remove it from folder deployments, everything is OK. (i used jdbc 4.0 or hight, hibernate: SQLServer2012Dialect or SQLServerDialect)
2.Unicode : In script for SQL Server, it used data type varchar(..), i only change data type varchar ---> nvarchar.