2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 12, 2017 8:04 AM by ptyagi_redhat.com

    Wildfly 10.1.0Final No metrics in runtime how show it



      sorry for my bad english, i'm french.



      I try to have some information about thread pool  and current thread availlable in stress tests EE, EJB, DB.



      i stress my application with jmeter and i can't run more than 20 requests / sec on vcpu 2ghz * 4 cores + 16Go ram.



      i search why it's not possible to run more requests

      htop showing = 4 core at 100% but what does it doing ?



      How get metrics with console management ?

      it miss certainly something in my configuration of the standalone-ha.xml or my ear but i dont know what.



      Someone can help me ?





      thanks a lotdatabase-connection.pnghttp-connector.pngrapport consolidé.png