1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 13, 2017 4:09 AM by ptyagi_redhat.com

    What is the full list of JBoss AS statuses (via CLI) in Domain and Standalone modes and what they mean?


      Dear Community,


      Could you please help me to find the full list of JBoss AS statuses in Domain and Standalone modes and what they mean? (Maybe you have seen some docs on this)


      With help of JBoss CLI and some googling I have heard about the following statuses:

      for servers in domain mode:

      * STOPPED

      * STARTED

      * DISABLED

      for server in standalone mode:

      * running

      * starting

      * reload-required

      * restart-required

      * stopping


      Especially I am interested in understanding of DISABLED status of server in domain, I have suspicious that this means the same as STOPPED for server where auto-start is off. Am I right?

        • 1. Re: What is the full list of JBoss AS statuses (via CLI) in Domain and Standalone modes and what they mean?

          Find the list of status in domain mode for servers:

          "status" => {

                          "type" => STRING,

                          "description" => "The current status of the server.",

                           "allowed" => [











          "DISABLED" status means the server is disabled; i.e. configured not to start automatically and the server will start automatically once "auto-start" is set to "true".  "auto-start" means whether or not this server should be started when the Host Controller starts.

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