1. Re: Wildfly can't deploy REST web service: Could not load JAX-RS Application class
dean.w.schulze Dec 31, 2017 9:55 PM (in response to dean.w.schulze)Well, this turned out to be caused by changing the Runtime Name in the deployment wizard. The Verify Upload wizard populates the Name and Runtime Name fields with the .war file name you are uploading. It allows you to change them, but changing the Runtime Name causes this error.
This is pathological. If changing the Runtime Name is going to cause deployment to fail then it should not be allowed.
2. Re: Wildfly can't deploy REST web service: Could not load JAX-RS Application class
jaikiran Jan 4, 2018 10:47 AM (in response to dean.w.schulze)You can use a different runtime name for that war deployment. Just make sure the runtime name ends with a .war suffix. That should get you past this issue.
Having said that, this indeed is a bug (either the UI shouldn't allow such names or the actual code[1] which identifies a deployment unit as a war deployment, needs a way to handle this). Can you file a JIRA here - JBoss Issue Tracker and add the relevant details and reference this thread in there?
[1] wildfly/WarDeploymentInitializingProcessor.java at master · wildfly/wildfly · GitHub
3. Re: Wildfly can't deploy REST web service: Could not load JAX-RS Application class
jaikiran Jan 4, 2018 11:57 PM (in response to jaikiran)I just noticed that there's already a JIRA created by you for this issue [WFLY-9644] Wildfly 11 can't deploy simple REST web service because it can't find javax.ws.rs.core.Application - JBoss I… .