3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 24, 2018 11:27 AM by fwelland

    Starting Wildfly 10/11 with JMX using Java 9


      I found a nugget last year on the Internet that allowed me to start JMX when starting WildFly.  Below are the command line agruments needed to start WildFly10/11 using Java 8:











      -Xbootclasspath/p:modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/logmanager/main/jboss-logmanager-2.0.7.Final.jar // NOTE: it's a different JAR file revision for WildFly 10


      With Java 9, the -Xbootclasspath:/p: is not longer an option.  Has anybody figured out how to get WildFly 10/11 with JMX to start in Java 9?


      Many Thanks,


        • 1. Re: Starting Wildfly 10/11 with JMX using Java 9

          Have you tried simply not giving any of the options and just giving the -Dcom.sun.management ones?  In Java 9 there were changes to the JDK which should allow logging to bootstrap correctly.

          • 2. Re: Starting Wildfly 10/11 with JMX using Java 9

            FWIW -Xbootclasspath:/a does still work.



            James R. Perkins

            • 3. Re: Starting Wildfly 10/11 with JMX using Java 9

              Very similar situation as what I have; but with a few subtle tweaks:   JBOSS EAP 7.1x and JMXTranagent & JDK 1.9x.  


              I will say -Xbootclasspath:/a  isn't a replacement for -Xbootclasspath:/p .  Similar, but I think they are some slightly different applications for /a vs /p.     And, in my case swapping -Xbootclasspath:/a for -Xbootclasspath:/p didn't work:   I got the same class not found issues as if I didn't use a boot class path at all (while specifying a java agent).    


              The concept of a "patch-module"  (new in JDK 1.9x) maybe in play (as a solution to this).  But it is not clear that anything in the LogManager area of JBOSS/Wildfly is modularized ala JDK 1.9  (of for that matter if 'patch-module' necessitates a jigsaw style module in the first place).   


              In the OP, since it didn't appear to need an agent (like my case); it isn't clear why a bootclasspath is needed at all (or if /a would work). 


              Related, I found a note in the RH/EAP customer knowledge base; that pretty much says, RH/JBOSS isn't gonna bother with "certifying" JBOSS EAP 7.x under JDK 9 as JDK 10 is out -- and basically JDK 9 is dead wood already.    I also took that to imply that even if RH/JBOSS does 'certify' an EAP version under, for example JDK 10,  that doesn't imply anything about an EAP being re-engineered into modules or such.


              Wildfly 12 has some 'noise' in its release notes about 'more JDK 9 support'; again I don't think that says anything about it being modularized or not.....


              ...I'd love to find out if others come up with a solution or workaround for this....