0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 23, 2018 10:16 AM by alpeshjikadra

    Wildfly shows blank screen with url /j_security_check when try to login after session timeout




      I am using wildfly 9, I have set SessionTimeout to 10 minutes , when session stays ideal for more than 10 minutes on login page and

      User try to login without refreshing the page user get http://localhost:8080/j_security_check with blank screen.

      I can not increase the session timeout minutes from 10 to something else.


      Steps to reproduce.


      1. Set session time out in web.xml as 1 minute.
      2. Open http://localhost:8080/login page.
      3. Wait for more than 1 minutes so session gets expire.
      4. Now try to login, you will be able to see the page.




      Go to login page of your application and delete the JSESSIONID cookie and try to login, you will be able to see the page.


      Can someone please help me to solve this problem ?


