I have downloaded infinispan 7.2.5 version and created a simple server in a cluster mode. I have placed it in a jboss folder(locally) and started the server. I have created a simple client that puts the data into the cache and another client that gets the data from the cache. what I have observed is in a cluster mode when I fetch single value that is not present into the cache statistics getHits method give me 1 count (Ideally it should have been miss 1) also when I try to get a value which is already present into the cache I get getHits method count as 2. Also in a standalone environment when i fetched a single value from cache which is not present I get getMisses count as 1 (which is expected) but when I try to get a single value from cache which is present I get getHits method count as 2. This is really confusing me as why this is happening. while other get method of infinispan behave in an expected way. This seems to happens only with getAll() method.
Please suggest as why this is happening.
Have you tried a more recent version? We've just released 9.2.0.Final