0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2018 6:35 AM by raju_manikala

    How to configure Infinispan using AWS discovery or Service discovery ?


      Hi All,


      Currently am using "ECS" AWS container service to run my applications.


      I'm using WildFly-9.0.0 and in my application. I have created an entity and saved into the DB through hibernate entity manger with lucene indexing. When i search back the result am unable to find the search result back.We have used the infinispan Master-slave concept to do indexing and it was working fine if I have my containers running on same instance using S3 ping. This S3 ping concept will bind the IP address of the container and save it in S3 bucket for master slave communication.


      Now am running my containers on different instance using AWS vpc network mode, here Jboss configuration file bind the IP address of the container but AWS vpc N/W mode will give 2 ip address "bridge and container IP".


      How do I setup Jboss standalone configuration file to bind second IP address means container IP address ?.