4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 28, 2018 3:08 AM by qkxy

    Why Elytron realms are limited to use NamePrincipal only


      Hi all,


      I found that every realm implementation contains this limitation:

      public RealmIdentity getRealmIdentity(final Principal principal) {
        if (! (principal instanceof NamePrincipal)) {
        return RealmIdentity.NON_EXISTENT;


      This makes impossible to use aggregate realm with a not Elytron implemented realm

      eg. I tried to use Keycloak with properties realm and this constraint makes it impossible.


      I think that it should be modify to check the existence of the principal and if it has a name eg.:

          public RealmIdentity getRealmIdentity(final Principal principal) {
              if (principal==null || principal.getName()==null || principal.getName().isEmpty()) {
                  return RealmIdentity.NON_EXISTENT;


      NamePrincipal is declared as final so it can not be extended.


      What do you think?

        • 1. Re: Why Elytron realms are limited to use NamePrincipal only

          Do you have an example of how you are aggregating the realms so we can check?  Generally the decision within a single realm would be "If I only return a NamePrincipal that is all I expect to see" but that may be an invalid assumption we need to correct.

          • 2. Re: Why Elytron realms are limited to use NamePrincipal only

            I have installed Keycloak as described in the Keycloak documentation and created an aggregate realm and set KeycloakDomain to use this aggregate realm:

                     <realm name="KeycloakSAMLRealm" />
                 <properties-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
                     <users-properties path="application-users.properties" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" digest-realm-name="ApplicationRealm"/>
                     <groups-properties path="application-roles.properties" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>


            Keycloak authenticate with a SAML claim and calls ApplicationRealm for authorization but it exists with user not found because Keycloak uses SamlPrincipal.

            • 3. Re: Why Elytron realms are limited to use NamePrincipal only

              In the meantime you can use custom security realm. [1]


              GitHub - hkalina/custom-elytron-realm: Simple custom Elytron security realm

              • 4. Re: Why Elytron realms are limited to use NamePrincipal only

                Thank you, I have done something similar: I modified the Property realm to use as a custom realm.