0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 12, 2018 3:05 PM by tnzeibig

    Multiple Ear/database with single jboss 5.1


      My problem; Multiple ear files of the same application, pointing to different databases.


      I've got an appliction jboss 5.1 /ejb2 /ejb3 / hibernate/jpa /...mix which currently works on separate standalone jboss servers , each connecting to their own client database, running in their own VM's.


      I've been asked to consolidate VM's

      I got the 'multiple instance' working ok with three copies of the 'default1,2,3' directories and separate run statements with port offsets, thru an Apache server.


      However, They are asking me to try deploying multiple copies of the EAR file to the same JBOSS instance thinking that memory might be handled more efficiently. (we give each single app 8g to play with)


      Has anyone done this sort of thing? the Database configuration has me stumped, as each ear needs to connect to it's own DB, but   looking at the the Jboss-Server/Oracle-ds.xml, it looks like I need to add each deployments DB there by different names...




      Tom Zeibig