3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2002 3:52 PM by dddu88

    Writing a file in a EJB



      I've written an EJB that reads a file on the filesystem using the FSContext from the JNDI. It returns the file content as a string (it's an ASCII file) to the client.

      Now I'm trying to write a file to the filesystem and I'm unable to. I've looked around for documentation on how to do it, but I can't find any. I looked at the fscontext.jar contents but the methods that look revelant are all protected.

      Can anyone give me a piece of code where a Java object or even a simple piece of text is writen on a file? Or correct my piece of code...

      Thank you very much!


      public void writeFile(java.lang.String sFilePath, java.lang.String sFileName, java.lang.String sFileContent) {
      Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
      env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory");
      env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "file:///" + sFilePath);
      Context initialContext = new InitialContext(env);
      System.out.println("Environment = " + env);

      File fNewFile = new File(sFileName);
      System.out.println("Created File");

      (new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fNewFile))).writeObject(sFileContent);
      System.out.println("Wrote File");

      System.out.println("Created File in FileSystem");
      catch(Exception e){
      System.out.println("Exception! Error: " + e.getMessage());

        • 1. Re: Writing a file in a EJB

          I am able to read and write file in a EJB by using
          Something like this:

          FileDataSource ds = new FileDataSource("/tmp/abc");
          InputStream is = ds.getInputStream();
          OutputStream os = ds.getOutputStream();

          The EJB spec discourages the use of file io, so I'm not sure if this is legal or it's a hole in JBoss, and will be made illegal in future JBoss versions... I'm using JBoss 2.4.4. Can somebody from JBoss team help clarifying this? Thanks in advance.

          • 2. Re: Writing a file in a EJB


            afaik the ejb spec does permit direct file access via the java.io package, you would "leave" the container through an input/output stream. but javax.activation.FileDataSource is a resource provided by the container, i think you can use it as you can use a DataSource for example.

            • 3. Re: Writing a file in a EJB

              Hi, can we use FileDataSource in activation package for extensive file IO to local drive instead of using entity bean to put into database? because our requirements requires that.
